I have to answer a sheet about the movie. We watched it at school but the answers are too technical & I wasnt paying attention - Please help!
In the movie, what killed the squirrels & trees
Explain the difference between an extinct & dormant volcano
Give 2 reasons politics should be considered when making decisions such as whether to put the town on alert & prepare for an evacuation
Name 2 gases considered as indicators of volcanic activity
Harry mentions places he visited as part of his job - name 4 of them & Explain why he would have visited those places
Find a way to estimate the size of the seismic activity when the townsfolk were in the gym for the meeting
Explain what happens to the helicopter
The lake becomes acidic - what type of acid would it have most likely been? find an example of the lake turning to acid
Where did the waterflow come from? Explain
Howcome every American knows how to hotwire a car?
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