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What do i do??? Dont make fun of me plz... i cant get over him since years... im 17!!! How do i get over him

2007-12-31 18:47:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Dear maddy c,
Tried it all honey...its not all that easy... forget bout him in seconds??? better said than done sweetie

2007-12-31 19:02:53 · update #1

Dear maddy c,
Tried it all honey...its not all that easy... forget bout him in seconds??? better said than done sweetie

2007-12-31 19:02:58 · update #2

13 answers

I'm not going to tell you all the "usual" stuff.
The way to get over him is to "go through" and learn along the way. Trying to get OVER it will only have you repeating all the same things with another guy if not him.
Open your heart to healing by looking the pain square in the eye and say "ok, teach me"
Dont dwell on time, if you do you'll drive yourself nuts. Just try and relax and accept yourself for where your at. If your in pain right now, say it, and dont feel bad about it.
You have the power to make this one of two things; a preview of what's to come or a memory by learning from it and growing. I so hopes this helps, I know it's hard, but you can do it. One step and moment at a time.
In Spirit
P.S. 5 yrs from now a young lady will need to know which one you chose, pick the right one for you and her.

2008-01-01 04:09:16 · answer #1 · answered by Peace! Lotus Flower 5 · 3 0

Yeah why the hell do they do stupid things like that! geez, i feel sorry for u girl, im happy that they made u feel like a complete *** clown. Just kidding, but honestly the boy u like right now is on a different planet right? Like really distant almost going to a different school? Really he should of had something on his face, ive been there, in the same exact place in 6th grade. And to this day i dont know why i didnt show any facial expression. I swear guys are like that. Sorry girlfriend but u are going to have to send him a note thru one of your friends, because it sounds like u are to shy to approach him and say, " hey cutie whats going on!, i have to tell u something....., i think i like u". "Wanna hang out sometime?" get a phone number and then say u have to go, as u are leaving say,"call me!" That lady is how its done, im a guy and thats what my girlfriend did. Good luck!

2016-04-02 05:55:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I totally understand you. Mine also means the world to me and I'm in college!! so age doesn't matter. The jerk has been leading me on for the second year when he in fact has been in a 'committed relationship' with another girl. It hurts a lot, and yeah I know that. It's extremely difficult; I've build up so many hopes for a future together, and just found out this last week. Start a new year with new resoultions; stop that. Think high of yourself. The heck with him.. there are many other guys out there and just convince yourself you're better and def. deserve better than him. You need someone to NOTICE you and love you for whoever you are. Good luck.

2007-12-31 18:54:04 · answer #3 · answered by JustMe 3 · 2 1

Have you ever tried to make him notice you? Have you ever asked him out? Well I wouldn't give up if you haven't done anything about it. Maybe thats what you can do for this new year. If he rejects....im sorry a possibility......he will realize that he missed out on someone like you. I like someone too and im planning on finally making myself known to him. =)

2007-12-31 18:52:32 · answer #4 · answered by RiA [ToFu] ♥ 's PJ 3 · 2 0

find somone new!
take up a new hobby!
clear your mind
this guy wil be out of yours in seconds!
find a guy interested in you!
and dont be ashamed
ppl go through this all the time. think positve and dont give up on any other guy just for this one guy on your mind.

2007-12-31 18:51:52 · answer #5 · answered by maddy c 1 · 0 1



2007-12-31 18:51:38 · answer #6 · answered by **$BrI$** 2 · 0 2

Time will pass and you will get over it.
At your age you feel love very powerfully.
But, love isni't love until it is felt by two and not one. Until you find that love you will have dozens of time when you feel like you are totally in love. You are also at the age where love is so romantic and not at all realistic..

Hey you might be 60 years old and remember him and the feelings, but he won't be the same and nor will you.
Get yourself busy doing things that will keep your mind off of him.

2007-12-31 18:51:35 · answer #7 · answered by clcalifornia 7 · 3 0

Awwww!!! I am so sorry I cannot help, but I feel your pain. There is a boy that did that to me. The thing was, I threw myself out there. He wouldn't date me, but I couldn't get over him, so I threw myself at him some more and things happened.

He was my LIFE. My every thought was him. I was head over heels and there was NOTHING I could do to stop it! No advice worked. Nothing!!!! When he finally kissed me and such, I felt better but he still was in my mind so much.

Over time, I got into college and there were so many different people that I didn't think of him as much (but I still did).

The only reason he hasn't been in my mind for the past 2 weeks is because I met a really incredible person who loves me more than that boy ever would, could or wants to.

2007-12-31 18:51:16 · answer #8 · answered by burnsk8er2000 3 · 3 0

Poke holes in your perfect view of him. I bet he did somethign that bothered you, well, blow that up, make that bigger, and become angry at him for that, this eventually will allow you to move on.

2007-12-31 18:50:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

just try to find someone else

2007-12-31 18:50:23 · answer #10 · answered by Maddi H 2 · 2 0