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I resently had a baby and my baby`s father is refusing to see her, and he wont pay child support. I just turned 18 and I do attend school, I am a freshman at a local University and have to pay for my tuition. I hate to fall into the sterio[sp] type, a ghetto teen mom when i`m not. I am an educated young woman who made a mistake. Its getting really hard already to have both things on my sholders. My mother is really unsupportive and my baby`s fathers family is convinsed that my baby is not his baby. I don`t know what to do and how I should go about this whole situation. What advice can you offer me? I really need it.

2007-12-31 18:41:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Family

4 answers

Go to the state and file for child support. Just because he doesn't want to pay, doesn't mean he doesn't have to. Bear in mind, he may still not take any interest in the child though. Either way, he will have to admit eventually that the child is his...he will either voluntarily acknowledge it to the judge, or will deny it, in which case the court will order a DNA test, which he will have to pay for. Either way, his family will see that it is his child and get off your back, and you'll be getting a check for the child like you should be.

In the meantime, go to your University's financial aid department and ask for help. In your situation, you should be able to get a federal grant to help with your tuition costs.

2007-12-31 19:12:06 · answer #1 · answered by missbeans 7 · 1 0

You can't make him love his child but you can make him support her.
Pride will not feed your daughter. Don't be too proud to accept assistance. If you are educated then show it and get down to the local health and human services office or child care offices or whatever you call it in your area and file for support. Let the state provide you with the care if the deadbeat dad won't and then he can work it out with them as to how he will reimburse them.
Don't let your child suffer because your too proud to accept help.

2008-01-01 04:30:42 · answer #2 · answered by dadof7n2001 4 · 0 0

Make an appointment with the local Family services/welfare dept. apply for assistance and explain your situation, they will have you file for child support and if the father denies the child belongs to him...they will give you a paternity test. Day care for your baby while you go to school is usually available, ask your counselor. I'm sorry you can't make the baby's father love and care for your child but you can make him take financial responsibility. as for him and his family consider it their loss and provide a happy and loving home for your baby.

2008-01-01 05:35:31 · answer #3 · answered by mom23 3 · 0 0

Judge Judy! Get a dna test to prove it's his baby then take him to court with the results of the dna test. The court can even take money directly out of his paycheck. He doesn't have to voluntarily give you child support. Good Luck with everything.

2008-01-01 02:46:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0