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What is the easiest way to change from being a night owl to being a day person? I was born at 3:06 AM and I have always loved working the 3rd shift. Right now I am not working but I will stay up till now or later and want to sleep till 11 AM. I would love to wake up at 6 AM and feel refreshed, but I just can't seem to do that. I thought about staying up all night too, but then I will just get really tired around 2 in the afternoon and want to take a nap!

Are we night owls doomed to being night owls for life?

2007-12-31 18:25:05 · 5 answers · asked by ♥ Mary ♥ 4 in Health Other - Health

5 answers

I worked the overnight shift (10:30pm to 6:30am) for 6 yrs.

A year and a half ago I went back to working days (6:30am to 2:30pm) and what helped me was getting into a routine before bedtime. This helped me to unwind and prepare myself mentally for sleep.

Try taking a nice hot shower and then settle into bed with a book. This could help you relax a bit and make it easier for you to fall asleep. I also would take 2 benadryl on occasion to help me fall asleep. That combined with the hot shower always seemed to do the trick.

from the National Sleep Foundation

Avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate) and nicotine (cigarettes, tobacco products) close to bedtime.
Avoid alcohol as it can lead to disrupted sleep.
Exercise regularly, but complete your workout at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Establish a regular relaxing, not alerting, bedtime routine (e.g. taking a bath or relaxing in a hot tub).
Create a sleep-conducive environment that is dark, quiet and preferably cool and comfortable.

I don't think that night owls are doomed for life, I think that it takes a little time and conditioning.

Good Luck and Happy New Year!!

2007-12-31 18:56:53 · answer #1 · answered by Christine B 2 · 0 0

Nope, I'm a night owl but I've adapted to waking up at ridiculous hours in the morning for the bus.

What you need to do is start going to bed earlier. Then you wake up earlier. Eating apples for breakfast helps to keep you going and soon nobody will even think you were a night owl in the first place!

2007-12-31 18:49:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My best advice would be to take a short nap from about 3am-6am then stay awake the whole day. Go to bed at 10 and wake up at 6 again.

I'm a night owl, but not nearly as 'doomed' as you.
I'm 14 and I stay up until 5 am and get up at 2 pm.
It really sucks to get up for school. :[
Ah well, good luck.

2007-12-31 18:37:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i don't think of it as being "doomed" i am definitely a night owl. on my days off of work i usually go to sleep between 12 and 3 am and get up between 11am and 1 pm. but when i have to work... i have to be at work at 6 which sucks. but i do it because i like my job. some people say when you get older you'll start waking earlier but i hope not, i love sleeping late.

2007-12-31 18:33:59 · answer #4 · answered by somebody's a mom!! 7 · 0 0

I worked the 11 pm to 7 am shift for six years. I have been away from that job for two years and I still can't get to sleep before three am, sometimes later.

The only thing that helps me sleep is warm milk. i have a mug of it and two Advil about 45 minutes before I want to sleep. If I'm desperate I take Benadryl.

Best of luck!

2007-12-31 18:31:24 · answer #5 · answered by Mother Amethyst 7 · 0 0