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i got old .22 bullets and i want to get the powder out of them how can i do that safely

2007-12-31 17:57:56 · 7 answers · asked by jonbart130 1 in Sports Outdoor Recreation Hunting

7 answers

use a pliers and grab each side and pull off the actual bullet....be careful not to grab on the "sweet spot", or you might not have to worry about it again.

2007-12-31 18:02:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 7

if you want too, just chamber them one at a time, fire and watch the target to make sure the bullet exited the barrel. Some older loads break down, becoming a "squib load" which means the bullet lodges in the barrel, which is dangerous if you fire additional rounds, if you get a squib, just drive it back out the chamber end with a wood dowl. I just use an old single shot rifle to dispose of my questionable .22 ammo
You can wiggle the bullet out of the case, but remember, being a "rimfire" there isn't a "primer" as others said, there is an explosive compound around the outter ring of the back end of the case. Pinching that end with pliers, is asking for injury or worse. I don't know how many you have to destroy. If it's a partial box, just do it by hand, It isn't hard to wiggle that lead back and forth till it comes out. At any rate, after you pull the lead, be sure to put the cases in a coffee can and cover with used motor oil and let soak for several hours to destroy the explosive material in the case. After that, I always just dug a deep hole, dropped them in and covered them over with dirt to de compose safely.
Shoot safe

2008-01-01 10:30:51 · answer #2 · answered by randy 7 · 2 5

to be honest it's easiest to not do it at all.

BUT if you ARE going to do it, don't twist the slug out of the casing, make sure to jiggle it out, not twist. And as the previous guy mentioned- at all costs DO NOT use the pliers on the primer!

Good luck. Patience is best.

2008-01-01 02:41:32 · answer #3 · answered by Cameron S 2 · 1 5

The ONLY 'SAFE' way to get powder out of a rim-fire cartridge is to FIRE it in a weapon, thus burning it. . . . . .
There is NO way to safely pull bullets from rim fire rounds, as there are with center-fire ammo. The small amounts of powder in .22's isn't worth the trouble to attempt to salvage for ANY reason, anyway.

2008-01-01 13:58:28 · answer #4 · answered by Grizzly II 6 · 5 1

The simple answer is YOU DON"T!
Either shoot them, or turn them in to a local gun range for them to dispose of in their dud box.

2008-01-01 14:43:30 · answer #5 · answered by boker_magnum 6 · 0 3

My favorite way is to chamber them in my favorite .22 rifle and shoot them.

2008-01-01 08:44:07 · answer #6 · answered by gunplumber_462 7 · 9 1

I can't imagine why you would want to do that, other than thinking it would make a good bomb.

Sorry, smokeless powders make terrible bombs. Try black powder. You can buy it by the pound at any gun store.

2008-01-01 11:37:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 10