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A few weeks ago, I went to university pub crawl with my friend Cathy and a few of her friends Amy and Sandra. In the club, Amy started to show an interest in me. Amy started flirting with me by dancing and making gestures towards me. Everyone in the university pub crawl signed my shirt. Amy wrote on my shirt “Hey Johnny. Love ya. X.. Amy” I gave Amy a friendly hug and she seemed to appreciate my gestures towards her. Anyways, after a few days, Amy added me as a friend to facebook. After a few days, I accepted her as a friend on facebook and gave her a private facebook messagem I just basically said stuff like “Hey, how ya doin, had a fun time the other night..” It was a casual message. After a few days, I expected a facebook response. But she never really bothered to respond to my message. Anyways, after a few days, I went to the club with Cathy. Then when the night was over, I encounter Amy outside. She said to me that “Hey. I saw your facebook message. Sorry, haven’t been able to respond”. Then after that, Cathy wants a picture taken with me. Cathy then hands Amy a camera for her to take a picture of me and Cathy. Basically, why would you add someone on facebook and not bother to respond to their messages? I don’t really apprecite it how Amy could just ignore my message. After all, she should realize that I actually took the time to message her. The last message I sent was a month ago. Anyways, should I give her a new years message? Or should I let her come to me? Or just let time take it’s course?

2007-12-31 17:52:39 · 2 answers · asked by 007 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2 answers

Just do whatever you feel like doing... See, that's something I hate about guys, always trying to do things the way they think others might perceive them. Do what you wanna do without thinking about others (meaning being yourself) and wait for their reaction. At least, you won't feel like you didn't give it all you've got and at the same time, you're being yourself. If they don't like it, that just means they're not on the same page as you and you just move on.

That's my opinion only, I just wish I'd meet a guy like that...

2007-12-31 18:01:38 · answer #1 · answered by jcarriere007 3 · 1 0

um, you seem like kind of a needy guy. probably she thought you were hot or something but not worth the effort. or she's just screwing with you.

2008-01-01 01:57:01 · answer #2 · answered by hprebel311 3 · 0 0