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As of now i am 17 years old soon to be 18. I have been driving an 04 ford escape xlt 4x4 suv and i want a little something with mroe power and that is a stickshift (no i am not a little douchebag that abuses this car)and a stang that is of course used and under10,000 dollars. How do i go about doing this. my escape is mpg wise 17/22 and a stang is near that and i want a stick. so i dont want smartass remarks please. How do i go about telling them this is what i really want?I will also be making payments on this since i have to pay off the escape. I am going to college 3 hours away in august


thank you

2007-12-31 17:41:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Buying & Selling

i do have a job working at sears making 10 dollars an hour

2008-01-01 15:25:32 · update #1

3 answers

Oh boy... where do I start? If only you could see the evil glee on my face. I'll put it simple for you.


bloody rich kid

2007-12-31 17:58:46 · answer #1 · answered by He Man 2 · 2 1

Independence is the way to live. I chose and paid for my own car so that I won't have anyone telling me what to drive. The best thing to do is to work hard and get any car that YOU (not your parents) want and can afford. That will show that you are responsible and that you won't have to beg anyone to let you get a car. As I said, INDEPENDENCE is the way to go. BUT, and that is a BIG BUT, most kids today (the spoiled ones that had everything handed down to them) are not CAPABLE of being INDEPENDENT. AND THAT IS AS SAD AS IT'S TRUE.

2008-01-01 02:44:55 · answer #2 · answered by JOE 4 · 0 1

Go on the internet and read up on brain surgery. When you parents are asleep, secretly remove their brains, then replace with rocks. Sorry could not resist.
As a college bound student you may take a philosophy course in logic and/or statistics. The statistics are simple, young males driving fast cars have higher rates of tickets, accidents, serious injuries and death. I know you are saying how facts to not matter, but they do. Remember in the 60s cars did not even have seat belts and medical doctors were acting as spokesmen for the newest safe cigarette.

I know what you are saying about being responsible, and I don't doubt that, but you have to ask yourself is this an emotional or logical decision. Part of being an adult and going to college is setting aside your emotions.
Does you college even allow cars on campus? Many do not. Sorry, but the facts are clear, freshmen that have cars have a much higher dropout rate than those who do not. It is a distraction.
Getting off to a strong start and putting 100% of your energy into studies, activities, etc is important and not an easy task.
If that does not convince you then how about the more mundane details.
Insurance costs much higher. No cargo space to move stuff back and forth.
Poor performance in rain and snow.
Getting pulled over. If you are 5 mph over the speed limit and a teenager, cops will pull you over every single time in a Mustang.
How do you convince your parents: You have no speeding tickets/accidents, you have good grades, your friends are responsible, you will take a driving safety course. Maybe you could convince your dad to buy it for you and him. You keep the Escape and use that at college, He buys a used Mustang for him and you to use. Kinda thinking a half a loaf is OK, you can have some fun and still have the safer car for regular driving.

2008-01-01 02:30:27 · answer #3 · answered by Gatsby216 7 · 2 2