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I am planning on getting married in between the time i graduate from AIT and going to my permanent duty station. Will I encounter any problems reguarding my spouse living with me or can this all be resolved while i am on leave. I want to make sure that when i get to my duty station my spouse will be able to live with me, and i wont be stuck in a "singles" living situation.

2007-12-31 17:14:05 · 9 answers · asked by d.a.f.d. 2 in Politics & Government Military

9 answers

oh yeah there will be problems.

for one, your orders indicate you are single, so even if you show up to your new duty station with a wife in tow, you will STILL be required to live in the Barracks. Nor will any expenses incurred moving her to your location be reimbursed. you must get her enrolled into DEERS before you can do anything..and you can't do THAT without the Marriage certificate. took about 2 weeks to get mine 10 years ago.

If your duty station is OCONUS, you face even more obstacles.

Best scenario is to show up to your duty station *ALONE* and request an ORDMOD: changing your status from Single to Married/accompanied. This will most likely entail adding at least 12 months to your time there. IF your CoC agrees to make the change, you can expect a few months before everything is squared away and your spouse can move out there with you. They do NOT have to give you Accompanied orders.

If your first DS is Korea: don't even bother. your wife will NOT get permission to join you/not be command sponsored. If it is other OCONUS: you can expect a long hard slog to even get Command sponsorship, it will most likely be denied and if it is granted.. figure minimum six months before she can come over.

2008-01-01 01:30:36 · answer #1 · answered by Mrsjvb 7 · 0 0

My husband is in the Navy, we got married when he was home on leave.
What you need to do is talk to your personnel officer about getting her command sponsored. She must be command sponsored to live on base. Make sure you get her a military Id card as soon as possible so she can get on base. The longer you wait to get this done the more difficult it will be. Other than that you should have no problems with getting married. If you have Any questions please feel free to email me at SandraPaneczko@yahoo.com. I went through this whole process when I got married, it can be frustrating.
Good Luck

2008-01-01 03:14:59 · answer #2 · answered by Sandra 3 · 0 0

Don't ever expect for the Military to have your best interests in mind, Bubba. Find a place for her to live while you iron out ALL the wrinkles in your housing situation.

I got married while in the USAF, and the wife had to stay in Civilain Housing (OFF-BASE rental) until all the bureaucratic red tape was taken care of -- and I stayed in Bachelor's quarters (meaning "The Dorms"). And that was AFTER the wedding......

And before you actually get married, better make sure you have your CO's permission to get married. The Military kind of has a stick up its *** about that sort of thing.

2008-01-01 03:53:54 · answer #3 · answered by archerdude 6 · 0 0

It can depend on where you are going. If you are going on unaccompanied orders and it is an overseas location then you will have to be patient. First the orders need to be changed, then your spouse has to go through an Overseas Medical & Dental screening, then the no-fee passport has to be issued (Alaska & Hawaii don't count on this one though it is considered OCONUS) so this can take time.

Now if you are going to a CONUS (lower 48) location then it will be a bit easier. But before you can do anything you need several copies of the marriage certificate, she needs to be inputed into te DEERS system and again the orders have to be changed. If she comes with you during that time then you will not get Per Diem or mileage (MALT) for her. You HHG (house hold goods) weigh limit will also be smaller. You will not qualify for housing until the orders are changed as well. You will have to live in a hotel and only 10 days of that will be refunded, the rest is up to you to pay out of the BAH you should get as a married AD member. Now even this can take time to get squared away in your pay.

So it might be better to wait, get everything settled, get a house and then have her move down. Until this time has all cleared you will be living in barracks.

2008-01-01 01:35:24 · answer #4 · answered by NWIP 7 · 1 0

No don't count on iT the army maybe different though what might happen is 2 things one you will get there and will rate some type of money so u can stay off base until you find a place to live for you and your dependant. I've seen that happen

I've also seen this happen you get there without your dependant and are placed in the barracks and placed on a waiting list for base housing and you wait to get that. I think off base will be better though more expensive and less convienent.

You will run into issues if you marry her right before u check in and expect them to cater to you paperwork does not move that fast. I would expect some delay in moving her with you if you are graduating recently or checking in within the next few weekS. If its more than 30 days you will have no issues

2008-01-01 01:24:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Nope. As long as she is registered in DEERS which you can do as soon as you have an official copy of your marriage license, you're good to go.

2008-01-01 01:23:29 · answer #6 · answered by been_there_done_that 5 · 0 1

Upon checking in at your duty station, have your marriage license, your wife's SSN ready. You need to get her registered in DEERS ASAP. She needs, also, to get her ID card. Wait until you can get a place before sending for her.
It's going to be a bit hectic your first couple of days and you don't want the added stress of having your wife in a sort of limbo there.

2008-01-01 01:21:16 · answer #7 · answered by AmericanPatriot 6 · 2 0

easy every where you go you have to inprocess like basic and there you present them with a marriage certificate and they will give a chance to get into housing but more than likely you will be living off post.

2008-01-01 01:20:52 · answer #8 · answered by JV 2 · 0 0

Paperwork does not move fast in the military. Better have a backup plan. Expect to be in singles situation for a month or two.

2008-01-01 01:17:29 · answer #9 · answered by Shawna 1 · 1 0