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So I just recently got some Fearie tarot cards, they are wonderful, and I want to make a spread that I can do on myself. I am going to medetate on them when I get home later tonight but I want some opinions on this.

I want it to be a 7 card spread...well actually thats how it fell when I was consulting on it, it is going to be shaped like a fearie so it would look like this.


4 and 3 are the wings and 6 and 7 are the feet. 2 lays across one and is the hands.

So what I got out of my consulting was 5 was the head...my veiw
4/3 was myself in the situation and 3 was someone else who may be a factor

1 is the heart and is how I feel...my romantic or otherwise my gut feeling on it

2 is how to fix or work with the problem/situation

and 6 and 7 I totally went blank on. I don't know if I lost meditation conection or what but I could feel that I needed to ask. So does anyone know what 6 and 7 should be? (feet btw)

2007-12-31 17:13:20 · 3 answers · asked by SimpleCry 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

3 answers

The two prior posts are really good answers.. additionally, the feet can represent travel.. where do you want to go with your life? left can be the feminine or nurturing side of your path, and the right can be the male or warrior side of your path.. I love your design for the spread. I've found those are the best and most accurate readings-- the ones you design yourself.

2008-01-01 02:24:14 · answer #1 · answered by Kallan 7 · 3 0

I would say 6 and 7 should represent the underlying psychological or karmic issues that you might not be consciously aware of, and also past influences on the current situation.

I have also worked with my own Tarot spreads, and I find that coming up with your own system like this works quite well.

I like a simple three card spread, being, from left to right -- past, present, and future.

Good luck to you.

2008-01-01 01:48:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Well, the obvious thing is base or basis. Since there are two, left and right, you could either assign them to left-hand (hidden) path and right-hand (overt) path. Or you could make them left (female) and right (male), although in that case, the temptation to associate them with mother and father may be more than you want. Ultimately, whatever makes the most sense for you.

2007-12-31 23:47:28 · answer #3 · answered by auntb93 7 · 3 0