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I just wrote a about ten minutes ago. I have to keep writing. I want to know why no one loves me. I live with two members of my family and if I was gone they would never know because they dont talk to me. other women who are depressed have husbands and boyfriends or parents or siblings and they dont understand why someone like me cant just stop. I am here alone and I will be alone. I had to leave work today because I was so upset. someone in my family knows Im crying out here and will not comfort me. I guess thats all I want I would just like to be comforted. I am extremely sad. I can't love myself. I have to know that someone will care first. I will be 40 years old this year but I dont feel that old at all. my life will be over and I was talented and smart and pretty but no one cared

2007-12-31 17:10:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

11 answers

You cannot depend on other people to make you happy...you have to be able to make yourself happy, then if someone wants to share your journey, so be it. If you're not happy in your currnet circumsatnaces, then get out as soon as possible. Read as much as you can on motivational lifestyle. Improve your self esteem and what others think and do will not matter so much because you will be strong enough to make yourself happy and fulfilled. Believe me...when you trust others...even family, to make you happy and comfort you...you WILL BE DISAPPOINTED. Make a promise to yourself in 2008 that YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF and BE HAPPY

2007-12-31 17:20:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you can email me if you would like to talk - i will give you my yahoo im and we can chat on there.

I have been in the same place you are now...and yes it sucks,and its lonely and it seems that no one cares.....
but you know what,,,god cares and he loves you,,,and you kow what else there are thousands of people that are willing to help you,,and im sure your family would be too,but they just may not know how to deal with it or what to say ..
reach out to a friend or anyone that is willing to talk to you,,and talk,,,and then take yourself to the hospital and explain to them how your feeling - they can help you as professionals - they have social workers on call....they can get you set up with counceling and get some medication started for you..
anti depressants realy help !
dont worry about the leaving work part,,,you know what - you tried,and thats what counts,so be proud of yourself for that..
I was in the same situation you are - and through talking and getting help from counceling and anti depressants I am now a full functioning human being..
so you can turn it all around,,and the world will look a whole lot better to you....

2008-01-01 01:27:32 · answer #2 · answered by country_girl 5 · 0 1

whats got you so bummed Hun I'm up lets chat if you wont mind my slow misspelled words

2008-01-01 01:23:15 · answer #3 · answered by triminman 5 · 0 1

you need to love yourself for others to love you
if the peoplr you are around don't take the time to notice you than why do you keep caring for them?Caring is a 2 way street if you care for them and do for them they should do likewise.If they do not then you should move on and find those that do care for you and respect the things you do for them

2008-01-01 01:20:42 · answer #4 · answered by Kirk K 4 · 0 1

i truly appreciate how you feel --- i am well over 40 and my marriage is gone i never see my grandchildren and barely see my children ---- i truly have no friends close (i have someone i love BUT she is 15,000 km away) --- i have been depressed and felt totally isolated and unloved --- i will not let that stop me from getting out of this situation and changing my life --- there is a lot more --- i have come through all the bad things and now know what i need to do --- i do care for you even though i have never met you nor will probably ever meet you --- i do know how you feel and you can get past it --- it really only takes a decision that you will get past it ---- a quote i love ---- the best way to predict the future is to create it ---- and i am creating a new future for myself starting with basically nothing --- hugss and my best wishes to you

2008-01-01 01:19:31 · answer #5 · answered by Waterdragon 7 · 1 1

hey... i know how you feel... all you can do is try to reach out to people... cheer yourself up by finding someone and cheering them up... it doesn't fix everything... but it can help

2008-01-01 01:19:14 · answer #6 · answered by DrV 2 · 0 0

I'm sorry.
We care.

I don't mean this lightly, I'm speaking from my own experience. It sounds like you have depression. I have it. It sucks. But there are things that you can do to improve your experience of life. I eat lots of vegetables and exercise on stationary bikes and take walks. Eating sugar makes it worse. Not getting enough sleep makes it worse.

There is a lot of literature about tips of things to do. This is clinical depression. What I have is called "low grade depression." What this means is I don't feel this way all the time. But it comes on really strong in the winter. It doesn't feel like something separate from me. It feels like me. But it's really a condition I have that can be treated. I know because I am different today than I was fifteen years ago. And I believe it could be different with you too. I hope that you will consider looking into this. I had a friend who killed herself and I suspect she had depression --it was at the end of winter. I was suicidal when I was depressed. It sucks.

All my best to ya.

2008-01-01 01:18:22 · answer #7 · answered by sweets 6 · 0 1

god cares... pray about it. Hes got your back 24/7, thats what ive learned...

2008-01-01 01:15:57 · answer #8 · answered by A.j. 1 · 0 2

U can email me if you need someone to talk to.

2008-01-01 01:15:22 · answer #9 · answered by Heath R 1 · 0 2

I'd like to talk to you sometime. My email is BPATR1CK@YAHOO.COM

2008-01-01 01:15:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2