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Where do I go to correct this? It's a new comp. so I'm sure it's just a matter of fixing the settings.

Like, if I click on the sound button at the bottom of the screen, and move it up or down, then it works but if I go to a YouTube/etc. vid and try to lower or increase the volume, it just stays at the same volume level as the button at the bottom of the screen.

Thanks, happy new ... whatever.


2007-12-31 17:05:01 · 1 answers · asked by Me 7 in Computers & Internet Software

1 answers

The Volume Control on the taskbar and a YouTube Video are two different things.

Most people never touch the YouTube video volume setting - they just use the windows volume control
(as there are usually increase/decrease volume buttons on most modern laptops or multimedia keyboards these days)

But when you change one, that shouldn't change the other.

Hope this info helps and I'm not missing something.

2008-01-07 14:26:25 · answer #1 · answered by Robbo 4 · 0 2