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I have a 52" flat screen TV. I believe it's a plasma TV, but don't remember. My 1-year old nephew has been playing with the on-set buttons and hitting the screen. Now there's a permanent yellow band on the right hand side of the screen, and there's a blue and yellow shadow on all the images that come onto the TV, as if it were in 3-D. We've tried fixing it through the settings, but nothing seems to work. Is this fixable??

2007-12-31 16:35:48 · 6 answers · asked by Luc P 1 in Consumer Electronics TVs

6 answers

Kill the kid first....then the parents....or yourself.

I know that kid ON/OFFED your TV to death.....

And now you have a broken TV set.....

And now it DEPENDS what TYPE of TV you have, as to WHAT ACTUALLY FAILED....

Kill the Kid.....Naaahhh don't Kill the KID....But BEFORE he comes over again, You will need to BLOCK the button pushing....(piece of heavy cardboard and some STRONG tape so he can't peel it off)

NOW....I HOPE it's a LARGE 52 inch Projection TV set....ONE that sits on the floor all by itself, because THAT can be fixed with a set of Convergence amplifiers.....

IF it's a HANG ON THE WALL type thats about 2 to 3 inches THICK, then PRAY it's NOT an LCD PANEL TV....because those blue and yellow lines MAY BE a broken LCD panel....
Thanks KID....you just made me spend a couple thousand to fix it.......

IF it's a PLASMA, you'll know it because the screen is GLASS....(feels like glass to the touch)
IF it's PLASTIC, it's an LCD.....

Plasma shouldn't develop blue and yellow Bands....
And there is no 52 inch picture tube that can become MAGNETIZED.....

OH THANK GOD !! You have a projection TV with BAD Convergence AMPS !!

Now....Do you see WHY the TYPE of TV and the BRAND, and the MODEL can help us TECHs?

You could have thrown away a TV set Because I GUESSED at the possible problems......

2007-12-31 22:34:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

IS this a flat panel unit or a CRT unit with a flat screen? If CRT, you prolly have burn in. If LCD, get it checked out. If you can take a picture and send it to me, Id like to see.

2016-05-28 08:13:23 · answer #2 · answered by myung 3 · 0 0

u need to reset the Cyan ,Magent Yellow ao your screen so they allign again. should be in screen setup.

2007-12-31 16:39:23 · answer #3 · answered by marleyman692002 3 · 0 1

the shadow thing is common with flat screens. its busted. u cant fix it. get a new tv and keep ur nephew away from ur stuff.

2007-12-31 16:38:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2007-12-31 16:37:41 · answer #5 · answered by D&G FREAK!DUH! 3 · 0 2

get your owners manual out and call the 800 number to do some resets. they will be happy to help you

2007-12-31 21:40:10 · answer #6 · answered by Michael M 7 · 0 1