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1 answers

The Nintendo Wii has a built in Wi-Fi so that if you have a computer network setup in your home then the Nintendo Wii will able to access the internet wirelessly. You need to have a computer, a router, and internet either DSL or cable internet.

Once you have a computer network setup then the Nintendo Wii will pick up the Wi-Fi signal and you will be able to use the internet on your Wii. You will need to enter the WEP key from the setup of your router into the Wii console. Routers cost between 40 to 100 dollars depending on the model and speed. You can find many brands at Best Buy or Circuit City. I prefer Netgear and or Link Sys brand.

2007-12-31 16:31:31 · answer #1 · answered by ddominic 7 · 0 0