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My parents told me the other day never to get any tattoos as i will "regret it later in life when i'm an old lady" ..... coming from people who don't have a speck of ink ingrained on their skin I thought it would be more wise to ask the older bunch of people who DO have tattoos.... do you regret getting them..............or do you know of any old people who regret getting tattoos

2007-12-31 16:16:45 · 15 answers · asked by Alicia 4 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

15 answers

When I'm an old lady I think I'll be more concerned with getting to the bathroom in time.

Sure, by that age your tattoos are probably not going to look like they did when you were younger, but then again, neither will you. You'll just have decorated wrinkles. :)

I love how people with no tattoos like to tell us how much we're going to regret it when we're older. They don't realize that it really becomes part of you.

2008-01-01 00:01:02 · answer #1 · answered by SharpTattoos 3 · 26 5

Old Person With Tattoos

2016-11-07 05:29:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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old people with tattoos?
My parents told me the other day never to get any tattoos as i will "regret it later in life when i'm an old lady" ..... coming from people who don't have a speck of ink ingrained on their skin I thought it would be more wise to ask the older bunch of people who DO have...

2015-08-11 00:17:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

while i am not "old" i have had tattoos for 8 years and i love them. my parents have tattoos as well and they don't regret them. my mom said she would only have one tattoo but... she has two and i can totally see her getting another one. i know quite a few olderpeople who have tattoos and whether they regret them or not really depends on the person and what they have.
generally people who get GOOD quality tattoos that mean something to them end up liking them better than those who get a crappy cheap tattoo on a whim.
whatever you do, definitely be sure to go to a talented artist (not all tattooers are talented) and get something that is meaningful to you.

2007-12-31 17:57:22 · answer #4 · answered by somebody's a mom!! 7 · 8 1

I think it depends on the tat and where it is located and if that person has put on a lot of weight over the years or since they got it. I used to tease my sis. When she was young she got a rabbit on her bewb. I'd often ask her how the bunny was doing and if it was on the floor yet. ha ha I truly do miss her!

2016-03-15 05:24:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not sure what u consider "old" but I'm 35. i started getting tattoos when i was 18 and am still working on my collection. I have never regretted getting them. there is another way to look at the getting old theory - tattoos are so common now that when you are old - so wont everyone else that has tattoos! My mother is famous for asking "what are you gonna do when your old and in a nursing home" I just laugh and tell her that we will all sit around playing "guess what the tattoo was"!!!

2008-01-01 06:32:43 · answer #6 · answered by spaghetti 5 · 27 1

The tattoo in old age factor is one of the reasons my tattoo is on my foot. (fewer wrinkles!) Happy New Year!

2007-12-31 16:25:04 · answer #7 · answered by keshequa87 6 · 10 0

I am 57 years old,,,,,so I would imagine from your viewpoint, I was young when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, but to answer your specific question, I have three tattoos. All are Harley Davidson tats. I thought VERY carefully about what I wanted and where to place them ( upper bicep and both forearms) so when I am dressed to go out, nothing shows. (The opposite is Charles Manson with a swastika between his eyebrows). I do NOT regret making my statements of choice with tattooes, but I will add something for you to think about. Whatever you place on your skin is going to be there for the rest of your life, so choose carefully. Also, consider what you are placing where. What I mean by this is the lovely butterfly on the slope of a breast at age 18 is going to look like a fire breathing dragon at 50 when age and gravity start to take over. Make your own mind, by all means, but try to choose carefully. Good luck and I hope this helps you.

2007-12-31 16:25:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 46 0

At 41, I've had mine for ... 15 years? No regrets at getting them, even with body and skin changes. I DID learn the difference between an "artist" and a "tattooist". If you have work done, have it done by someone skilled in the medium ... skin and ink.

2008-01-02 04:19:32 · answer #9 · answered by itsmynaturekc 3 · 15 0

I'm only 25...have lots of tattoos...and here's my philosophy about this....

If I don't give a **** now - what makes anyone think that when I'm 60,70, or 80 that I'm going to give a ****.
It's a memory and a hobby and just because you age and they may not look as great doesn't mean they still aren't awesome - and besides, your eyesight will probably start to go anyway, so you really wouldn't be able to see them even if they were still perfect - so blah.

2007-12-31 20:41:17 · answer #10 · answered by Nikki 2 · 11 6