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My husband is a church leader in the music department and his mistress is leading praise and worship and I told someone in leadership, the pastor's secretary and they are still in place. I refuse to continue to attend because the church continues to let them remain in position. He told me he doe's not love me anymore and made a mistake to have married me and feels that he is justified to do as he pleases because of this, and yes we are still married and living in the same house and no papers have been filed. What is your opinion as far as should I take further action or let it be and find another church.

2007-12-31 16:06:34 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

First: divorce him and take from him anything you can, let him in the ruin
Second: a church that accept that kind of behavior among it's leaders, is worshiping the devil, not God.
Third: forget about that bastard, start a new life, and dont degrade urself by staying with him, you value a lot and deserve someone better than that little rat.

Born again atheist** is right, but do it when the pastor calls everyone to repent/pray/cry in front of the church, and then take the microphone and say outloud: jesus forgive (ur husband name and the woma) bcz they are sinners, give me strenght to stand the devil that is in my home (ur husband). at that point everyone will be really surprised and then u start crying like crazy (before going to the church do what whiterose sayd).

2007-12-31 16:11:56 · answer #1 · answered by Pinky 5 · 2 1


2016-05-28 08:11:27 · answer #2 · answered by myung 3 · 0 0

First you need real hard proof that he is unfaithful to you. You need a tape recorder for the thing he will be saying, because he would deny. You need to go to the pastor and not his secretary. You also need a witness with you when you are going. If that is not doing anything, then you need to go to board members, and if the church belongs to an association you need to go there also. You need to take this as far as possible and expose them both. You are in your rights with all that you do, and this is before you divorce him. You need enough proof that he is cheating, so you can drain the religious bastard. Alot of them uses their authority of position to sin. This is a disgrace and should not be left alone but expose that sin.

2007-12-31 17:56:53 · answer #3 · answered by charmaine f 5 · 0 0

If this is true, this is beyond belief. You told the church and they refused to do anything about it? What kind of church is this?

Do not go back to that church while this sin is being committed and ignored. Decide if you have the willingness to ask God to be with you and show you what He would have you do...instead of following your own instincts (mine would be to walk out of the house....but God of course will always have other plans for us in these kinds of incredible circumstances). You may be the instrument through which God is going to turn around the lives of hundreds; your husband, this woman, all the church members. Obviously there is a canker here that needs to be removed.

Remember that nothing is impossible for God. Go to Jesus Christ and ask Him to show you what He would have you do.....there may be quite a large job for you in all of this. Like the restoration of hundreds of people through your willingness to do what God wants you to do.

May God give you the guidance, and grace, to seek and obey His leading.

2007-12-31 16:30:05 · answer #4 · answered by Esther 7 · 2 0

Under Biblical rule - anyone committing adultery must be STONED to death. That is if you are a true christians and you literally follow the bible as GODS. word. You might want to point this out to the church leadership.

If you dont follow it literally - move out, file for separation, file for spousal support, and then file for divorce. Get as much alimony as you can. Oh yes, and find another church or better yet, ask yourself a few questions, and maybe give God a break for a while.

Just so you know, this is not the first time, and it sure won't be the last time.

Back when I was still attending church - this is going back over 20 years now - the pastor of the church left his wife and kids and ran away with another women. His teenage daughter (at the time) was pregnant to her boyfriend for the second time, and they still were not married.

2007-12-31 16:25:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OMG yuu poor thiing. Hes a tool take him for all he is worth.
I definatley think go to a different church as their morals arent right. I hope you can sort this out

2007-12-31 16:24:40 · answer #6 · answered by emiily 2 · 0 0

divorce, blow the lid off it, and find a new church

2007-12-31 16:24:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First and foremost, pray about it. Ask God for your healing, strength, and protection. You never know what state of mind another person is in. Better safe than sorry. According to Scripture, you're suppose to go to him, if that doesn't work, take someone in the church with you, if still no change, he is to go before the leader. If no change, go before the church, if no change, dismissed.

2007-12-31 16:17:18 · answer #8 · answered by use 2 b lost 3 · 0 2

I would make a statement in front of the entire church. Right before the service is about to begin, walk right up to the front and address your husband and his mistress. Make sure you point them out to the crowd so they know exactly who you are talking about. Tell the crowd what they did then thank them for their time and go home. He obviously doesn't care about you or your feelings so why should you care about his?

2007-12-31 16:16:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

First file your separation and divorce papers. Then get a warrant to keep him away from you. Definitely let them go their own way and find you another church if you feel you need it. I would not keep anything quiet about it at all. By that, if anyone should pry, tell them the sordid details. Churches are notorious for gossip and if they wanted those two to continue that would be a black spot on the whole congregation.

2007-12-31 16:15:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0