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5 answers

Seriously? O well, i guess i'll stick with COD4 lol.

2007-12-31 15:54:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well that's been the theme of the PS3 since its launch ... game delays ! This is the year that makes or breaks the PS3 ! If Sony doesn't get its act together, the PS3 will become a doorstop !

Right now most major game developers have aligned themselves with the 360 and that doesn't bode well for PS3 users. After I seen the horrible versions of Madden on the PS3, I see why the PS3 is lagging behind the WII and XBOX.

Game developers have all but given up on the PS3 because of the complexity of the hardware makes programming for it somewhat difficult !

PS3 fanboys do not want to hear that but its true ! The only cross-platform game that sells consoles in bunches is the EASports Madden Football Series and if your console isn't getting the best version of Madden, chances are your console will suffer in the sales department !

2008-01-01 17:22:44 · answer #2 · answered by Phade3 7 · 0 0

The release date for Haze was sometime in the First Quarter of 2008 (Jan- March). Some websites had the release date as Jan. 15th, but I guess that it was just an estimate.

All I can say is don't be suprised if certain games for the PS3 get delayed, because from what I've noticed, a lot of PS3 games get delayed, so until developers get used to working with the PS3 it's probably going to be common.

Haze is really the next great PS3 game, so I guess we'll just have to wait a little longer, Then Killzone 2 will be out about a month later after Haze, and then Metal Gear Solid 4 will be coming out in June, all the good PS3 exclusives are coming, it's just a matter of time.

2008-01-01 00:19:35 · answer #3 · answered by AdrianClay 7 · 2 0

i won't be suprised if certain games for the PS3 get delayed, because from what I've noticed, a lot of PS3 games get delayed, so until developers get used to working with the PS3 it's probably going to be common.
but If we wait longer we can hav many great games.... 2008 is PS3's Year! (25 mins until 2008 here!)

2007-12-31 23:55:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yeah it's true, i just came back from gamestop and they said march 18th. . that sucks kuz i was really looking forward to playing it in two WEEKS jan 15th, now we have to wait two MONTHS and about three weeks, i know it'll be worth it. but i know a lot of people that want to play it already!! myself included

2008-01-02 21:34:17 · answer #5 · answered by kb8 2 · 0 0