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i am going on vacation to newport rhode island and i was going to stay at the Motel 6 in either Warwick or Newport but while looking into both locations i read very mixed reviews about them both the newport location seeming to be the scariest my sister and i are locked in an argument over this she is preferring the cheaper Motel 6 option while i being afraid am considering a different location. Has anyone ever stayed at either location? or any motel 6 on the east coast? id appreciate any info you can give me! Be it bad or good. Thanks to all!

2007-12-31 15:39:48 · 4 answers · asked by adele26_07 1 in Travel Travel (General) Other - Destinations

4 answers

I haven't stayed at either of them, but I've stayed at other Motel 6 locations. They're pretty much hit or miss. But I'd really rather spend an extra 20 bucks and get a decent place.

You know, if you're driving there, stop off at a rest area on the highway and pick up one of those free travel coupon booklets. They usually have them in the bookracks where they have all the brochures. I use them all the time and have saved a fortune on hotel rooms while traveling for business. Depending on the date and location, you can save 60% on rooms.

Or, try roomsaver.com. That's the website for one of those magazines and it'll give you an idea of good discounts in the area.

2007-12-31 15:50:21 · answer #1 · answered by Caroly 3 · 0 0

I stayed in a Motel 6 once in Cherry Hill NJ and it was a real dump. After one night I was out of there. That does not mean they are all that way.

2007-12-31 23:47:52 · answer #2 · answered by Tony d:-) 6 · 0 0

You can go to hotels.com and they actually rate the cleanliness of hotels and have feedback from patrons.

2007-12-31 23:47:49 · answer #3 · answered by pete_rn 3 · 0 0

The quality of any Motel 6 just plain sucks. You should stay at the Motel 6 if you don't care about quality and just want the good old cheap prices. They do give out morning coffee at the lobby!

2007-12-31 23:46:35 · answer #4 · answered by JaxJagsFan 7 · 0 0