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It is a 1992 jeep cherokee, blue in color, 4 door with the license plate number cl44935 which was an Oregon regrestration. It imaybe in Eureka, Ca. now. I am the only one on the loan and will get the pink slip when it is paid off, but don't know where it is. The credit union wants me to pay for it, but why should I when I don't have it in my possession. If I have it I will pay for it totally.. Help me.

2007-12-31 15:20:41 · 5 answers · asked by andy19 1 in Cars & Transportation Insurance & Registration

5 answers

what do you mean you dont know where it is did you wife ex steal it and hide it if she did call the police report it stolen to the insurance co the police and anyone else who needs to be informed like the bank do it now not later tell the credit union its stolen all so dont go into the i dont know thing just tell them its stolen and if you had loan insurance on it it will get paid off and you wont own anything and if you didnt you will learn from this to put that kind of insurance on it next time you should of had it with the credit union insurance you know if you get laid off,sick and cant work etc etc good luck

2007-12-31 15:35:27 · answer #1 · answered by ogdad223 4 · 0 0

You can hire a company that will do a 50 state VIN number search starting where you think it might be.If the car is registered anywhere in the US it will come up.Or if you can do
the search yourself.But I suggest a company that specializes in this sort of thing,they know tricks you don't.One last thing to try first is if you have a friend in law enforcement,cop,FBI anything,they can do the samething for you.Just get the VIN number from the credit union or from an old registration.While you're at it try getting a cop or the search company to also run the tag number you have it might turn up some information..If you don't have the VIN number and can't get it,then you might have a problem.

2007-12-31 15:46:57 · answer #2 · answered by Doinit4D 3 · 0 0

well first, I would let the clerk of court that handled your divorce know about it. also, advise law enforcement so that they can put out a APB for its location. The clerk of court would have the contacts to your ex spouse's lawyer and they would contact him. As far as your name being the only one on the note, you are stuck with it regardless of who has possession of the vehicle. The credit union will look to you for payment. The very best thing you could do is to let your attorney advise you of you best options about this matter.

2007-12-31 15:42:30 · answer #3 · answered by bobby 6 · 0 0

Being an Australian I do not know the US legal system well enough to give you a concrete answer, but I'll try best I can.

Since you have been awarded the car, it is therefore your possession, regardless of it's location.
Your first move would be to make and educated guess where it is, as you already have. Contact the authorities in that region and have them keep a lookout for you.

This is essentially the best information I can give you since I don't know the full story of why it's there or who is/could be driving it at this time.

Since the car is your possession, you will have to continue to pay the loan regardless of if it is present in your driveway or not. As your name is on the loan, and the bank has nothing to do with the location of the vehicle itself.

Your main priority is to have the police in the area know you are looking for the car, and the circumstances of why. Keep paying the loan as if you fight it it could lead to legal action and you ending up losing the car and the money.

2007-12-31 15:40:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ask the EX...if she does not tell you..report it stolen.

You paid extra for those Crater Lake plates??

2007-12-31 15:36:55 · answer #5 · answered by mdcbert 6 · 0 0