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i need some ideas of your own. not like wear a seat belt or something.. i need 2 more. please help me thank you

2007-12-31 15:05:20 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Safety

16 answers

#1 When passing another car on a two lane road always look over your left shoulder to make sure someone is not passing you, the mirror view is usually not enough. #2 Never drive with a pet on your lap.

2007-12-31 15:14:46 · answer #1 · answered by luther 4 · 0 0

Check blind spots before you change lanes. There's always random side-streets and parking areas where people can just pull out without you noticing. Checking your blind spots before you move in the next lane always helps avoids side-swiping accidents.

Look both ways before you enter an intersection, even if you have a green light. Not everyone pays attention!

Even though we should all be following the speed limit, we don't. Sometimes, the speed limit is not appropriate for the road and traffic conditions. When there's rain, ice or snow on the road, the speed limit could be twice as fast as the appropriate, safe speed. At times, of course, the speed limit might be half as fast as conditions would safely allow.

2008-01-01 11:06:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Respect the road, and fellow drivers. Always be alert to changing conditions around you. Lack of attention is the number 1 reason for accidents on our highways. So anything that takes your attention from the road, don't do, or keep to a minimum. This is the best way to avoid accidents.

2008-01-01 10:04:28 · answer #3 · answered by Iam!! 4 · 0 0

stay indoors
if you have to go out then buy a tank ( as somebody said above)
always leave a big enough gap between you and the vehical in front,,,5 miles is a safe enough distance
always stick to the speed limit,,30 miles an hour on ALL roads
if you can't afford a tank ( and who can these days)
go for the cheaper option,, a flat cap and a volvo,,

edit.. always try and turn the way you're signaling,,
saves the driver behind getting confused and crashing himself....another safety issue,,it's always better to put your makeup on before you leave the house...
edit:: that car with the blue lights and funny noise,,,like cat being put through a mangel,,is not some new fangled ice cream van,,,it's a police car,,,best NOT to intimidate this driver...remember it's a long walk home.....
safe driving.......

2008-01-01 08:15:00 · answer #4 · answered by oh no,,,it's the kevsta 4 · 1 0

Always be aware of what's going on around you. When driving look at least a quarter of a mile ahead and watch for potential hazards. This will give you time to react. When going through intersections make sure other drivers see you. Don't tailgate. keep a 4 second space between you and the vehicle ahead of you.

2008-01-01 03:54:50 · answer #5 · answered by horsybill 6 · 0 0

1. Turn down the stereo.

2. Quit ratchet-jawing on your cell phone.

3. Slow down.

4. Obey the traffic laws and rules of the road.

5. Properly maintain your vehicle.

6. Keep your eyes on the road, watch your rearview mirros, and leave at least one vehicle length between you and the vehicle in front of you.

2008-01-01 19:54:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


That will help you avoid 90% of accidents because the reason most people get in accidents is because they don't PAY ATTENTION to what is going on around them. I remember once I was waiting at a 4-way stop on a 2 lane road(before we got a light so the line was long) and an ambulance was coming. Everyone moves over to let the ambulance over besides this idiot in an SUV who clearly isn't paying attention.

If every car in front of you suddenly moves over to the side of the road wouldn't it be smart to check your mirrors?

While driving check your mirrors to see if any cars are in your blind spot.

Don't drive in other peoples blind spot.

Use the fast lane for passing ONLY. Do not get in the "slow" lane unless you are getting off the highway. Most accidents/fatalities are in those two lanes.

KNOW your cars limits. Do not rush out in front of people with a Civic or something because you may not have the performance to get out of the way if they are coming on fast.

2007-12-31 23:29:05 · answer #7 · answered by Chad D 6 · 0 0

keep a safe following distance and always look at everything as a hazard

2007-12-31 23:27:46 · answer #8 · answered by chrystal f 2 · 0 0

Well, wearing a seatbelt is not going to help you avoid a car accident, it would only help you after the fact.

To avoid an accident, drive the speed limit, don't drink and drive, and leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you.

2007-12-31 23:14:11 · answer #9 · answered by Shana B 6 · 1 0

Do you mean car accidents? I just think you have to do your part but you cant control other people. Meaning watch your surroundings and make good judgments.

2007-12-31 23:13:59 · answer #10 · answered by chicken2008 5 · 0 0