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9 answers

PS3 ps3 ps3

depends with you

2007-12-31 14:52:31 · answer #1 · answered by Mac 3 · 2 1

ps3 has MUCH better games, remember it's backwards compatible (20/60/ or 80 GB) and ps2 kicked everything's *** in the previous console war.

Money isn't a problem so get broadband internet and play online. Most things for ps3 are expensive but great, like guitar hero and time crisis 4--actually pretty much all the games. I have a ps3 and I'm enjoying every second of it, only problem is money isn't not a problem for me haha.

Also they've got folding@home so you can help cancer research while you aren't using it. Perfection.

2008-01-01 03:58:08 · answer #2 · answered by adklsjfklsdj 6 · 0 0

Well, depending on what 360 version you get, you'll get the HDMI output for taking advantage of the 1080i. The 360 definitely has better games, and it's cheaper. So far, the graphics are better on the 360. Now, reasons to get the PS3 are the blu-ray, free online, and better reliability. However, game developers don't seem too keen on making PS3 games. It costs so much money for something that may come out very sucky. I personally recommend the Xbox 360. If you really don't like it, you might be able to take it back and get your money back to buy a PS3.

2008-01-01 00:43:51 · answer #3 · answered by Sebz 3 · 0 0

i would say 360 cause they seem cooler

2008-01-01 00:31:48 · answer #4 · answered by billybob 2 · 0 0

PS3 is so much better. You can download every game for free right onto it. It is so sick. Online play is sick. Everything is sick.
Games I suggest:

2007-12-31 23:30:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would definetely go with the PS3 in this situation. The reason for this is because i am assuming that the TV supports 1080p. Most TV's now above 40" do. Also since you have a 1000W sound system im also assuming that it supports hdmi sound input. The best system to go with all this would be the PS3 because you are getting the clearest picture possible from games and Blu-Ray's and you also get Dolby Digital TrueHD sound with your sound system.

If you were to buy the 360 you would have to make sure its the Pro with HDMI and also get an additional HD-DVD player to go with it or a Blu-Ray player for movies.

So overall the PS3 would better fit that situation.

2007-12-31 23:15:05 · answer #6 · answered by xxNick 2 · 3 0

A few months ago=360 A few months from now=PS3. The PS3 has potential for better graphics and you will see it soon, but the last dozen or so AAA games have looked slightly better on the 360. Now if the little difference of graphics is a swaying point for anyone they they are idiots, who would care about slightly better lighting or slightly sharper textures when you got 100 guys shooting at you right? So from a look/sound perspective 360 has the edge now, but not for long.

That being said, if you can afford all that I recommend both but then again you having neither tells me your not much of a gamer so I recommend a PS3 as like I said it will look better soon, and It comes with goodies like free online, included wifi, Blu-ray Included for the same price as the Premium/Elite models.

2007-12-31 23:07:50 · answer #7 · answered by NotTheStatusQuo 5 · 2 0

wow... thats a sweet setup... you should definitely get a ps3 to enjoy the full potential of your home entertainment system...

hope this helped you out!:D

don't forget to pick a best answer!

2007-12-31 23:00:07 · answer #8 · answered by lalala 5 · 3 1

360 has better games
ps3 has everything else better, u dont have to buy any extra crap to watch blue ray dvd's or anything

2007-12-31 22:59:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0