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This has relation to the question of three Aakashas asked earlier.So I request the elite scholar members to share their ideas and knowledge please.Those who know some thing about the subject really may please kindly reply.Do not redicule if you do not understand the question.

2007-12-31 14:29:10 · 8 answers · asked by Radhakrishna( prrkrishna) 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Stuula means in English Gross and Suukshma means Subtle.How do one differentiate one from the other?How can you say this is suukshma and this is stuula?
Your analysis will help all of us understand further.

2007-12-31 18:14:17 · update #1

Dear Mr Ma b ,this is not Yoga type.That link gives no information, you can see yourself.If one can type a few lines as a gist and gives the link that will help a lot.Any way thanks for the trouble taken.

2007-12-31 18:16:50 · update #2

Excellent input Mr Deep.Thanx.

But how can YOU say this is stUla or this sUkshma ?Is there any way ,as per our scriptures?Please share your thought in this angle too.Thank you again for the great reply.

2008-01-01 01:14:17 · update #3

Good explanation Dear Shanky_andy.Thank you for the analytical input.

2008-01-01 22:10:22 · update #4

Thank you Mr Ulagam for your good input.Sure , you are right.

2008-01-02 20:36:12 · update #5

Thank you Aum Ji.

2008-01-02 23:28:26 · update #6

I am honoured by your reply Dear Spirutual seeker.Really you touched the very core point.Unless one is sure about the definitions in Spirutual science (Vedanta I mean ), he is likely to lose the thread.So the definitions should be clearly,without any least doubt, shall be understood and retained,lest we can not understand what we are reading.All definitions I mean.I do not know if you all agree or not.But that is what I feel.So for the sake of myself and interested readers I have been keeping the question open.

Thanks for great reply.God bless you.

2008-01-02 23:34:06 · update #7

The scriptures describe Stuula and Suukshma this way.There are five Organs.Shabda,Sparsha,Roopa,Rasa and gandhi(ear, Skin, Eye,tongue and nose respectively).That which is known by many sense organs is Stuula and that which is known with few elements or with indirect knowledge (aporoksha gnaanam) is Suukshmam,
SupposeEARTH is there.we can see it,smell it,touch it ,taste it and smell it...that is it can be known by five sense organs...so Stuula.Take Vaayu(Air)..you cant see and touch itand smell it.It can be known by skin when it moves and can be heard if it blows fiercely.So compared to Earh vaayu is Suuksma.Suuksm has the quality to expand and so vaayu expands and encopasses earth.What about Aakas.you can not find it through any of five sense organs..but indirectly (aporoksha).aakash (space )is defined ''That that gives scope to be objects to be there in.''So if you hear two big objects collide and make sound (with eyes closed even),you hear the sound and indirectly imagine .

2008-01-07 22:48:46 · update #8

Indirectly imagine that there is space aakash)and there were objects and now they came near and collided and you heard the noise .So none of the sense organs couls see Aakash.So by definition it is Very Suukshma, and so occupies or expands more and hene it is said there is aakash everywhere.
That way the scriptures described the terms.
our friends gave excellent inputs and enhance my knowledge and that of all of us really.Thanks to them all.

2008-01-07 23:34:21 · update #9

I thank Thimmappa M S, deep, Shanky_andy ulagam and Spirutual seeker.all gave good input.

2008-01-07 23:36:39 · update #10

8 answers

Oh, the basic meanings, and all other meanings provided by verbal descriptions are available, and does not seem to satisfy !
Excellent, and feel gratified to know of that unquenchable thirst! Perhaps that is why the great book of Yoga sutras was written with a strange beginning "And now , yoga....." A strange way to begin a great book indeed! But it at once becomes very clear to a spiritual seeker that it is verily addressed to him !
Well, the suukshma is indicative to symbolise that 'subtle' that can be perceived only when a person's level of perception deepens beyond the gross sensory levels!
Obviously, the stuula is what all people can perceive with their sense organs.
Though very difficult to give an example, with the given nature of that suukshma, we could try with those 'Naadis" (the energy channels, flowing through a living person. There is a unique branch of medical science in India, 'Naadi Shastra', using which a 'naadi vaidya' or doctor feels the wrist of the patient, almost like that pulse counting, and looks for the three naadis, and their present 'strength' to judge the effectiveness of medication (herbal, but a little subtle than the Ayurvedic type of prescription though similar or even same herbals)... There is a time suitable to check these naadis. Very few get to 'feel' those subtle 'naadis' of other person, so the science is able to gather fewer and fewer students, to perpetuate this excellent and comparatively infallible branch of ancient Indian systems of medicine!
There are 72000 naadis criss-crossing over human body, with chief 'junction' very close to navel(remember, that "hara-kiri" in the ancient Japanese cult of samurai etc is ample proof that even they knew these naadis!).
There is a suukshma body (subtle body) around our stuula body (gross body), which clearly indicates the dis-ease, far better than those X-rays, scans etc!
The mind is said to be suukshma, being able to penetrate even at physical level (ask those teenaged girls who can feel that focussed 'stare' of road-side Romeos right at their rear, even without the need to turn back and look !.... perhaps this would serve as an example of 'suukshma' effect!)
All this revolves around that quantum theory (sound, form, vibration, accepted and proved by modern science with that Nobel prize or so for that 'bubble chamber' experiment) or Mantra, Yantra & Tantra theory, where the transmission of 'energy' is through subtle channels!

2008-01-02 22:24:21 · answer #1 · answered by Spiritualseeker 7 · 3 0

"Tath Srushtvaa thadevaanupraavisath tadanupravishya sachcha ityaachchaabhavath",
"Satyam chaanrutham cha satyamabhavath"

This verse is in the Taitreeya Upanishad of Veda. It says "The Brahman created all the entities (by expanding them (making them as StUla with name, form etc) which were in subtle (Suksha without name, form etc) form. After creating them, the Brahman entered into all the created entities as "Antaryaami - Antaraatma". After being entered as such, he took the unchanging Jeevaatman and the changing Achit as his form (sareeram). This has very clearly told by the Veda that the Brahman himself is not Chit and Achit but the Brahman is the soul of Chit and Achit entities and therefore calls everything as Brahman. The differences between the Brahman's Swaroopa (nature-reality) and the chit and achit entities are very clear.

The Brahman is the UpAdAna kAraNam and the Nimitha kAraNam for all chit and achit entities. This does NOT mean that his "Swaroopam" gets changed to Chit and Achit. But only his "Roopam" (Sareeram) which was subtle (sUkshma) chit, achits becomes expanded (stUla) chit, achits ie., the chit achits gets form,name etc.,

Anatomical Relationships: the Five Sheaths/planes of Existences.
1. Gross Level (Stula)
a. Food Sheath (annamaya kosha). Earthly existence, birth,
physical growth, change, decay. Decomposes after death
2. Astral Level (Sukshma)
a. Vital Sheath/Etheric Body (pranamaya kosha): Etheric
particles and energy; life principle; can partially separate
from physical body; hunger '. thirst, heat, and cold;
eventually disintegrates after death.
b. Mental Sheath (suckshma shaira, manomaya kosha): emotional
life, desire, lower mental processes related to emotional
experiences and sensory life. Eventually decomposes.
c. Intellectual Sheath (vijnanamaya kosha): intellectual life,
abstract conceptualization; Ego; receives from Causal Level
and influences lower mental processes. Discrimination
and decision-making are its powers. Immortal.

2008-01-01 08:17:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Let’s try to analyze an experiment, which is getting conducted in a laboratory. In this experiment, a scientist is transforming water vapors to water, and then water to ice. Through this experiment we will try to understand the various stages of transformation and relation between gross (Satula - what we can experience with our five senses), subtle (Sukshma - what we can inference), cause (Karan - seed for gross and subtle) and Source (Ishwar/God).

This experiment has following four aspects -

1. Ice is gross (Sathula).

2. Water is subtle (Sukshma)

3. Water vapors are the cause (Karana) of water and ice.

4. Scientist, the intelligence behind the process, is the Source. Scientist himself is not involved in the actual transformation process.

With above experiment, we can establish the following facts via cause and effect theory –

1. Each effect has a cause, as water vapors are the cause of water and ice. Similarly, “This” (we, Nature and beyond) are the effects of “That” (Cosmic Consciousness), and “That” is the cause of “This”.

2. Effects are different "forms" and "names" of the same cause, as water and ice is the different form and name for water vapors. Similarly, “This” is different form and name of same “That”. If we drop the idea of form and name, then “This” becomes “That’.

3. An effect cannot exist without its cause, as water and ice cannot exist without water vapors or H2O molecules. Similarly, “This” cannot exist without “That”. If we take out “That” from “This”, “This” also vanishes.

Cause is subtle, and effect is gross. An effect is gross manifestation of the cause. In other words, cause is subtler effect, and effect is grosser cause.

“This” is the effect of “That” and “That” is the source of “This”. If one drops of the relative perspective of “This” and “That”, then “This” is “That” and “That” is “This”.

Cause of causes is Cosmic Consciousness (Ishwara) and rest all are Its manifestations. In the infinite ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, innumerable waves (Self as a Separated Consciousness) emerge and then finally merge back. Life is also an expression of Cosmic Conciseness.

Note: In Sadhana we move from gross to subtle, subtle to cause and cause to source. At gross level Tamas is more, whereas at cause level Sattava is more predominant.

2008-01-02 06:02:42 · answer #3 · answered by shanky_andy 5 · 4 0

We have both sthula or gross and sukshuma or the abstract sareeras.The sthula is what is visible to the naked eye and sukshuma is the aural body which is said to be shrouding the sthula body. People who are spiritually trained will be able to see even the sukshuma sareera even

2008-01-03 03:57:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Stula = Gross / Crude .Example: Body
Sukshma = Subtle / more sensitive.Example: Mind

Body is the stula sharira, mind,intellect and ego are the suksma sharira.

Death happens to sthula sharira only, suksma sharira goes into cycles of birth until reaches Moksha(Liberation),after several births, after the cessation of karma.

Sukshma is more subtle,more pervasive, more powerful than the stula.

2008-01-01 02:20:58 · answer #5 · answered by Thimmappa M.S. 7 · 4 0

go this site http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Sukshma_Sarira/id/202772 this is yoga type.............
sorry more information i cannot get
this is Ahmed ................

2008-01-01 00:51:47 · answer #6 · answered by ma b 5 · 2 0

Sthula means GROSS, like physical body. Sukshma means SUBTLE, like ATMAN.

2008-01-01 00:12:54 · answer #7 · answered by rupee100 5 · 2 0


2007-12-31 22:31:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2