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29 answers

i think so. all you need to do to be married is sighn a piece of paper. and if you really love someone you shouldnt need a big expensive wedding anyway. just my opinion.

2007-12-31 13:56:29 · answer #1 · answered by kitty6919 2 · 3 0

Why the hell would anyone want an excuse to go into debt?
If that is truely the reason people get married then it is pathetic.
Personally I am a romantic and believe that a wedding is a celebration of love. If you can't afford a ritzy, opulent wedding then don't have one, work within your budget.

2008-01-01 07:16:55 · answer #2 · answered by Stiffler 6 · 1 1

They shouldnt be. They should be all about a couple making a loving, lifelong committment to one anothr. Unfortunately to some, it is an excuse to show off and spend obscene amounts of money. Sign of the times I guess. :-(

2008-01-01 04:25:03 · answer #3 · answered by bluegirl6 6 · 1 0

Sure seems to be the bottom line for many people, but others genuinely want to share a special time with close friends and family around them. Maybe it's how the bride and groom look at it.

2008-01-01 00:30:32 · answer #4 · answered by Woods 7 · 2 0

I think so. I think it's very unwise to go into debt for a wedding. You want to take as little debt into the marriage as possible, especially since finances are a major reason for divorce.

2007-12-31 23:12:46 · answer #5 · answered by Damsel 5 · 2 0

For >some< people they are - whether it is the parents of the couple, or the couple themselves. Not everyone, though. And really, it is so stupid to spend that much $ on a show and a party (basically), if you don't have it. I have a theory that the more people spend on the wedding, the less likely the marriage will be to survive - I knew people whose parents spent a fortune, and the marriages didn't last more than a year or two. My late first husband and I eloped, and our marriage was just fine.

2007-12-31 22:14:51 · answer #6 · answered by eldots53 7 · 2 0

we are having a small formal wedding about 40-60 guest , we are not going into debt for it. Nothing has been charged to be paid at a later date.

Yes we couldve eloped , but i remeber my parents wedding photos i was a product of the 70's if you know what i mean ( love child) and they looked miserable. ..

i wanted for my child to know that we had a formal ceromony and reception. ( it was importaint to me ) and i wanted to do the TRADITIONAL things that brides get to do .. fuss over centerpieces, and pick out colors.. and make a memory book ... and then have a party for all that attend..........

My parents are anything but traditional , and I sorta resented that...

it isn't about showing off , it is about getting married to the person you love creating a memory ... and having a party for the people that love you to celebrate the start of your life together.

if you have the money to have the wedding you want and not go into debt for it. then by all means go for it ...

if you are loosing your house over it. then you are stupid.

2007-12-31 22:14:45 · answer #7 · answered by la de da 3 · 2 1

If it's a vow renewal, yup!!!

A girl I know had to out do her brand new sister-in-law.
*She had like 10+ attendants.
*She got married in a HUGE white dress, but had her 2 kids in the wedding and was pregnant with her third.
*They rented all sorts of cars to transport people.
*They invited soooooooooo many people that they even ran out of food!
*She wanted her attendants to be behind on their bills and use the money to fulfill her vision.

She spent sooooooooooo much money that less than a month later she lost her house and had to move her family into her parents' house!!!

2007-12-31 22:02:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes so many people get caught up in the wedding, and the rings, that they sweep the issues that they have in their relationships under the rug. Next thing you know there's a divorce but they're still paying off the wedding. My husband and I had a small wedding and reception with our close family and friends..some were upset because they weren't invited, but we stuck to our guns. 20 years later we're still together, on our 15th year anniversary we went to Vegas for a week..that was our splurge.

2007-12-31 21:58:12 · answer #9 · answered by Lisa D 5 · 3 0

Yes, which is sad. Why go into debt for just a day!
If you don't have you don't.

No need taking a second mortgage on your house (parents)retirement etc. it's ridiculous.
Save up money!

2007-12-31 21:53:04 · answer #10 · answered by rstylist26 3 · 2 0