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So the other day i was watching this freakin retarded show on nickelodeon and it was like kids news where some old lady talks about effects of global warming in some part of the world and about the kids it affects. So then some camera crew goes to places like kenya, indonesia, etc... and well in one country something like indonesia, it was raining too much and it flooded and stuff. and the kid said, global warming is causing it to rain too much. he said "im really mad at america and china for causing global warming because global warming makes it flood." Then it went to africa, where 3 young girls talked about how a river had dried up because global warming had made it too hot and the river evaporated and now people have to travel for miles to get water out of this sorry puddle which is supposed to be a spring. and i was just wondering how global warming would cause 2 very different climate changes? and if the kids even know ANYTHING about dry and rainy seasons?

2007-12-31 12:43:07 · 16 answers · asked by X! afivoai!! 1 in Environment Global Warming

16 answers

Did you see the story about the recent meeting in Bali on global warming? Only the supporters of global warming were allowed to attend. The opponents were not only turned away but also forced to stop handling out leaflets giving their side of the story.
Now, here's something else to think about. China is the biggest contributor of greenhouse gases, followed by the US and India with India overtaking the US in a couple of years. Both countries have said they will not do anything to combat global warming that would harm their economy.
Now think again, If the US were to succeed in cutting greenhouse gases by 50% and China and India did nothing, what do think the total effect on the world would be?
If global warming does indeed exist, then the farming regions of the world will extend much farther north and south. In addition, Antarctia can be explored for oil, gas and other minerals and is sure to be a treasure trove. Coal was discovered in Antarctia over 50 years ago. Also the Arctic region can be explored for the earths resources we so badly need.
If the supporters of global warming really want to do something about it, let's start a movement to reduce the world population by one half. Pollution will automatically be reduced by one half as well as the demand for earths resources. There should also be less poverty in the world.
I love the idea of cutting the earths population in half, don't you?

2007-12-31 13:08:39 · answer #1 · answered by notadeadbeat 5 · 0 5

global warming acts as super fuel in a regular engine, it adds power to the climate system, so in places where it used to rain, it now pours, and in places that had droughts, these droughts become severe.
The weather machine is powered by heat from the sun, which accumulates in air and mainly in sea water, hotter seas mean wilder climate, and the fluctuations in the climate are towards the extremes.

2007-12-31 17:44:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The answer is easy, never watch Nickelodean again. Ever!

2007-12-31 17:42:25 · answer #3 · answered by CrazyConservative 5 · 0 1

Weather is the interaction of 3 things.
1. Water Vapor
2. Air Pressure(cold or warm air)
3. Heat

If you change any of the 3 factors, you change weather. Global warming is referring to a heat contribution atmospherically, it is not speaking about the world getting more tropical. You have heard of severe weather all over the U.S. and Canada this December where some areas got a little snow and others got frozen sleet, lots of precipitation or lots of snow?

The unfortunate argument is where the atmospheric heat is coming from. The reason for the differences in opinion is the missing science with the Co2 theory, lots of professionals have a hard time with that argument, not that the weather is changing.

We try not to generate heat on the surface of the planet because that would change the weather formula. Did you know that they never verify building and development compliance even though they are designed for regional temperatures? The entire global warming argument never got outside the calculator or thermostat, we couldn't see it.

There is a Canadian company that did 17,000 hours worth of temperature work taking professionals outside the calculator and the results were staggering. We didn't consider the UV interaction with absorbent building finishes and the same UV that burns us is in effect burning buildings.

Meteorologists provide the design temperatures for buildings so we don't impose on the environment that sustains all life. The crappy part is that professionals use calculators with the greatest of accuracy but that means the calculated input needs to be right. Go to http://www.thermoguy.com/globalwarming-heatgain.html and follow the information. You will see the most advanced thermal imaging in the world showing buildings generating heat that reaches close to boiling temperature and we are reacting to the symptoms with ozone depletion, electrical waste as well as more toxic emissions.

Here is the link so you can see Thermografix Save Al Gore through the Ultimate Global Warming Challenge. http://ultimateglobalwarmingchallenge.com/entries.htm

Take it further and here is the link to the challenge to Western US Governors and Canada. http://www.westernclimateinitiative.org/ewebeditpro/items/O104F14458.pdf

The weather and winds of the world is a very delicate temperature dance and we are interferring with it. How can any civilized human being look at the traffic, smog and development and think we are blending with the environment that sustains all life. "Developing" countries don't want to repeat what North America has done. We are wealthy because we sold our atmosphere and environment for more possessions without the realization we poisoned our own babies. At the link above, click on the study on polluted newborns. How does a baby that has never taken a breath get mercury, vehicle emissions, incinerated garbage, banned pesticides, etc inside them? Mom drank it, breathed it, ate it and passed it to a fetus without an immune system to protect itself.

2007-12-31 16:28:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I just love global warming! I don't have my usual seasonal affective disorder because it is in the 60's. But I wonder how Texas and other states are handling the snow when they aren't use to it.

I will start to take global warming seriously when Gore quits using more energy than 28 families combined.
When he realizes that buying carbon offsets is no different than the person he bought them off of using them. They are STILL being used by someone so what is the point!!!!?
IF he were serious he would say the carbon offsets should be saved for and used by future generations NOT BY HIM!!!

2007-12-31 14:41:40 · answer #5 · answered by sapphire_630 5 · 2 1

Higher temperature results in the following effects (among others):
- Increased evaporation (stronger droughts and larger deserts in some places)
- Stronger storms, which often results in more precipitation in other places, since all that additional evaporating water has to go somewhere.

In the Lake Tahoe basin over the last 30 years for example, the number of days with average temeratures below freezing has gone down dramatically, but total precipitation has gone up 84%. We get a lot more rain in the winter, but end up with a lot less snowpack to carry water supplies into the dry summers, so we actually end up with drought-like conditions.

2007-12-31 13:44:17 · answer #6 · answered by J S 5 · 2 1

The climate of the world is completely inter-related. Evaporation of moisture in one area becomes rainfall in another area. The question that still needs to be determined is if "global warming" has a significant affect on the climate cycles.

<3: You asked who pays attention to Nickelodeon. The answer is small children who are quite impressionable. That is the reason that an adult topic like global warming is being shown there. The idea is that over time they can change public opinion by teaching kids their views are right. They do the same thing teaching one side of an issue in schools. Over time everyone begins to believe that what they were taught is truth not just theory.

2007-12-31 13:26:03 · answer #7 · answered by Truth is elusive 7 · 1 2

all that stuff is bullcrap... Global warming a natural... Earth goes through it by it self...

See, there's global warming and global cooling
there's dinosaur age with big jungles and there's the ice age...

Now earth is going through it agian.. We people don't really cause it, but we might have might have contribute to it....

But why people blaming people for global warming....

2007-12-31 12:56:33 · answer #8 · answered by SARAM 2 · 2 4

the global warming causes 2 different climate changes cos in places where inland waterbodies exist such as rivers and lakes, it causes drying up due to the heat. But in areas such as islands or countries surrounded by seas, the water from the sea gets evaporated and it condenses to give rain. due to excessive evaporation(i.e. more than the usual), this causes heavier rain and more floods. And i think the main thing was to raise awareness...kids do learn about seasons u kno... Happy new year!

2007-12-31 12:53:17 · answer #9 · answered by Merry 3 · 5 3

first of all... nickelodeon?? who actually listens to what they say? they probably made that up. global warming isn't b.s., but u shouldnt believe what u hear on tv. seriously.

2007-12-31 12:52:50 · answer #10 · answered by <3 3 · 1 5