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I was raised VERY religious Christian; by teens was agnostic; later, became more spiritual & believed in God again. can feel God in Nature, & I like things Jesus taught, it's true I guess I don't understand the trinity so well, but my BIG problem started when in church the preacher told in detail abt Jesus death for our sins. I don't know why i never wondered this before but i suddenly got very upset at the idea it was MY fault he was so hideously tortured in my place--& I didnt think i'd done ANYthing so bad to deserve such punishment. In fact why would a loving God set it up that ANYONE deserves that, let alone decide Jesus must substitute? I've heard a blood sacrifice was req'd But WHY is God so blood thirs? & I know "the wages of sin is death "& I still dont get it Why such horribleness for Jesus means I escape hell? I KNOW how serious it is to doubt what I was taught was THE basic tenet. Did Christians always have this as the central belief? Has anyone explained this well?

2007-12-31 12:42:38 · 15 answers · asked by Ariane deR 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

The sacrifice of Christ has always been central to the Christian belief system.
God must take sin seriously because he is perfectly holy. What may seem trivial to us is not trivial is the sight of God. Because we were born with a sinful nature, we do not understand the magnitude of our sins.
Here's an illustration: If I murder just one person, that makes me a murderer. In the same way, if I tell just one lie, that makes me a lier. If I use God's name in vain just once, that makes me a blasphemer. If I steal just one thing, no matter how small, that makes me a thief. So while I may think of myself as a really good person, in reality I am a lying, thieving blasphemer. Now compare that to God, who is perfectly holy. We could also compare ourselves to rooms, with dust that represents sin. In the darkness of the world, we have a hard time seeing that dust. However, when God shines the light of his holiness, the dust becomes apparent.
Now that we understand the reality of sin, it becomes apparent why such a sacrifice was necessary. God is just, and he can therefore not leave sin unpunished. It would be like if a judge simply let a murderer off the hook: we would call him a bad judge. If God let sin go unpunished, he would no longer be perfectly good. However, Christ took the punishment that we deserved for our sin. He freely chose to give his life, knowing full well beforehand how much it would cost him. All we have to do is accept his payment and make him the Lord of our lives. This is how much God loves us.
Now a final word: there is nothing wrong with having doubt. Doubt causes us to search, and unless we search we will never know the answers. God doesn't expect us to follow blindly what we hear in church. Jesus's disciples asked questions, and he welcomed them. The problem comes when we throw aside everything we don't understand as rubbish.
I hope this helps. If you have further questions, please feel free to send me an email.

2007-12-31 13:13:42 · answer #1 · answered by lkd 3 · 1 0

Christian Universalism does not teach the existence of an eternal hell. While the purifying fires of hell may be a for a very long time (aionios), they are to burn away the satanic ego. No good parents punishes their child for eternity for a finite crime. Jesus' sacrifice is meant to save us from death and is for all. Here are some resources for anyone interested in Christian Universalism:

Online resources:




All of the following links are for discussion forums that are Christian Universalist in orientation:

Emergent Universalism Discussion Forum


Christian Universalism Discussion Forum


Apokatastasis Discussion Forum

The Church of Interfaith Christians Discussion Forum


Wider Universalist Fellowship Discussion Forum


Fundie Universalist Discussion Forum


2007-12-31 22:18:42 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You say....

"I didnt think i'd done ANYthing so bad to deserve such punishment."

In other words....Am I really THAT bad?


According to us humans, we don't see ourselves as sinful. We see ourselves as...basically good. We hate to think that we have offended a holy God. It pricks at our hearts and we don't like the feeling.

However, God tells us in Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

In other words...we have all sinned and disobeyed God. We are all guilty in His sight.

Ugh. That isn't good.

The punishment isn't crucifixion for us...it is death.

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

A bitter sweet verse. First is bitter last is sweet.

Death..not the first death which is separation of body and spirit but the second which is where a person is cast into the Lake of Fire. (See Revelation 20).

But as the latter part says...we can have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We must first come to the realization that we ARE sinners and we NEED Jesus.

Crucifixion was the worst form of torture. Do a medical research on it and it will just send you to tears. Anyhow...

God is just so He could have sent everyone of us straight to the Lake of Fire....He had every right. We disobeyed and so we deserve it.

Yet He is also loving (as you said) and merciful. He could not bare to be without us. He wanted to provide a way so His justice could be served so that sin would be punished but his grace shown too.

So Jesus had to become a human and shed His blood and die on a cross and rise again for our sins. No human could have done it cause...no human's blood is pure and holy and free from sin. God would only accept the holiest blood...and only His blood fits that.

God could send us all to the Lake of Fire...and sin would be punished...but His mercy would not be fulfilled.

God could have shown mercy and not punished anyone...but then He would not be a just God and heaven would be full of wickedness and horror.

So God...became human and took the rap for our sins...so sin was punished in Him and justice served. And He could show mercy cause anyone who turn from sin and believe in Jesus will be saved.

Why blood?

Because life is in the blood. Blood flows through our vessels bringing needed food and water and oxygen etc to the cells...bringing them things for life. If there is no blood in the body, the body would be dead.

So blood must be shed to show the pouring out of life.

Jesus did die for you and shed His blood so you could escape the Lake of Fire...(Hell as most call it).

He did this out of love.

He knew full well before He even came to Earth what awaited Him and at any time He could have and would have had the right to turn around and say...No way, They dont deserve this.

Yet He went forward anyway.

There's a girl named Bertha and she is sitting down in her house one friday afternoon. She smells something. She realizes the downstairs (she is upstairs) is on fire.

She screams for help. Suddenly a strong man comes through the flames. He grabs for her and helps her outside.

She looks at him (a firefighter) and starts to cry. I don't deserve what you have done for me! She then runs back into the flames and perishes.

The man weeps and cries.

We must not be like her. Yes we should be sorry for our sins. We should not laugh and rejoice over them.

However, Jesus is merciful and will take away the guilt and shame and replace it with His love and joy.

Jesus death is core and so is the resurrection for without His living...there is no hope for a dead Messiah cannot save.

To be Saved:

Say Yes to these questions only if you are serious.

Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?

Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for all your sins and rose again from teh dead?

Type Yes to each of these in the thing here or say t hem outloud

Now pray...Lord Jesus I confess you as Lord and I repent of all my sins. I surrender my life and all I am to you. Save me as I call upon Your Name. Wash me in Your blood. Amen.

2007-12-31 21:43:11 · answer #3 · answered by kickindevilbutt 7 · 0 0

I will try and explain this to you. It is a difficult question you ask. I believe God has shown me why He did it this way.
In the Old Testament scriptures, God says when He swears an oath, there is no one greater to swear by than Himself.
The same goes for sin. Who else is perfect and holy enough to pay the price for our wickedness? God looks around and finds no one worthy, no one spotless or pure enough, so He has to do this Himself. The Old Testament scriptures state that "No man can see the face of God and live" and God cannot lie. In order to redeem humanity from being in bondage to sin, He took on human flesh so that He could save us and yet not have us die upon looking at His Holiness.
God created us knowing full well we would stray from Him and turn to sin. His love for us is so great that He decided beforehand what He would do. God did not want to create robots who mindlessly served Him. He created us with minds, so we could "Choose" Him. Yes, some will stray and ultimately reject Him, that is their choice. More importantly, many will "choose" to return Gods love and serve Him.
All sin is a rejection of Gods authority. There is no small sin or large sin, all sin is a turning away from Godliness. As human beings, we all sin and that is why God chose to manifest Himself to us in a way we could more easily understand, in the person of Christ Jesus. His going to that cross is the greatest act of Love this world has ever seen. Yes, it was gruesome and hideous the way He died, but it wasn't a horrible thing in Gods eyes, His Love for us was all that mattered to him. He wants to spend eternity with all of us and He is willing to do anything and everything to give us the best chance at doing so. If you were a parent and you saw your child surrounded by a pack of angry, hungry lions, you would not think twice about running into that pack of lions, lifting your child up into a tree, out of harms way and then allowing yourself to be torn limb from limb. You would die happy knowing that you saved your child, that is all that would matter. God not only did this for us, He also did this for strangers and for those who hate him. That is Gods love.
It is unconditional, without prejudice and it is available for every human being. You are right, Jesus did not deserve to suffer the way He did. But in His love for us, He could not bare to see us suffer, so He took our place. God is not bloodthirsty, in the Old Testament days, people traded animals instead of using money. These animals were their money and just as God asks us to tithe our money today, He required the people of those days to tithe their "Money"
God does not need our money, He only requires it to keep us from falling into the sin of Idolatry. When we submit to Christ Jesus, we submit to Him, Spiritually, Physically, Financially and in every other way in our lives. Blood is important to God and we know this because of the bloodline of David to Christ Jesus. Satan knows this also and he tried to disrupt this bloodline by allowing demonic beings to co-habitate with women as we are told in the book of Genesis. God created a flood to wipe out satans plan and subsequently re-established His bloodline through Noah. Remember, The cross at Calgary was not an ugly event, rather, it was the greatest act of love ever to grace this planet. By Jesus dying, He gave us all life. Praise The Holy Lamb Of God!!
God Bless You. If you have any more questions, feel free to e-mail me at: Cybertoothedkat@yahoo.com

2007-12-31 21:31:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Eve was deceived, Adam knowingly sinned. Neither was repentant. They lost favor with Jehovah God, our creator. By the way, Adam knowingly sinned because the command was given to him, as the head of the woman, and he knew he was eating of the tree and good and evil. Read the account in Genesis chapter 3. Man became estranged from God and needed to be reconciled. It had to be a perfect man because Adam was perfect and this man also had to be an integrity keeper. Who better than Jesus, the son of God, and the decision was his. Jesus knew full well what lay ahead and because he had and still has a fondness for the sons of men he agreed to "become lower than the angels", who hold a much higher and exalted position than humans, and give his perfect life and shed his perfect blood for us. the need for his sacrifice and our sinful ways, imperfection, came from the actions of Adam and Eve. Jehovah told Adam that in the day of their eating from the tree of Good and Evil they would surely die. They had to become imperfect and that started from their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Therefore they passed on to all human kind imperfection and sin. We know what that reaps. Sickness, death, health issues, wars, and other tragedies that we humans suffer. Only God's kingdom will undo these things, and bring the earth back to a paradise and humans to perfection. This is why Jesus died for us. We are still sinful and we have to work to keep free of willful sin but that comes with Jehovah's holy spirit and doing what John 17:3 says, "this means everlasting life, their taking in accurate knowledge of you the only true God and the one you sent forth, Jesus Christ." The Trinity is a belief that originated in Babylon and is a false teaching. Please do research and see for yourself. Don't take anyones word. The Bible, encyclopedias (reputable ones), and prayer for wisdom, knowledge, guidance and direction. Remember ask everything in Jesus' name and Use Gods name. Psalms 83:18 (hint...Jehovah). Look it up for yourself.

2007-12-31 21:20:47 · answer #5 · answered by 'maters Granny 7 · 0 0

It marked the end of the "First Covenant" which is found in the old testament. To be forgiven of sins in the old testament, a person had to give a blood sacrifice, an animal or bird of some sort.

To end this giving of animals and birds, God sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for ALL sins in the world. This is called the "new testament".

Jesus died long before you and I were born. He already died for the sins that you and I will commit. He knew we would sin because we are people and people cannot live on this earth without sinning.

Do not feel guilty or sad, Jesus did this for us gladly and He would do it again.

Each night before you go to sleep, pray this:

"Father God, in the name of Jesus, I ask forgivness of the sins that I have sinned this day and night. I ask it in Jesus' name. Amen and amen.
This will be of help to you:
How to Pray:

When you pray, pray the Words straight from the Bible. An example would be:

My Father God in Heaven, in Jesus' name, I put you in rememberance of your Word from the Bible which says in Philippians 4:19 that "My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus". This means mentally, physically, spiritually, socially, financially and my soul. Thank you, Father, I fully expect this to come to pass because Your Word in the Bible says "you are not a man that you should lie".

Here are more verses to read and pray:
1. Isaiah 54:17 -No weapon formed against me shall prosper
2. Psalms 91:10-No evil shall befall me
3. Isaiah 54:15-Those who gather together against me
4. Philippians 4:13-I can do all things through Christ Jesus
5. 1 Peter 2:24-By His stripes, I am healed
6. Psalms 37:4-Because I delight myself in the Lord, He gives me the desires of my heart.
7. Psalms 91 - Read all of this chapter everyday.
It is full of promises to you such as, "God puts his angels in charge over you to keep you in all your ways".
ALWAYS REMEMBER: What you do unto others will be done unto you. If you are truly sorry for what you have done, ask God in Jesus' name to forgive you and He will. In other words, "confess your sins".
If you want to read and learn God's Word, here is a day by day outline on how to read and study the Bible:
Prayer for Salvation:

"Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. Your Word says, "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). I am calling on You. I pray and ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life according to Romans 10:9-10. "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." I do that now. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead."

2007-12-31 21:06:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It was your fault, and mine, and everyone elses. Man has a sinful nature, God does not. But remember, Jesus knew what was coming and he went anyway, because He loves all of us that much. He arose from the dead and LIVES! Jesus suffered for us, but is not dead. Praise to God!

2007-12-31 20:59:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

First, there would be no Christians or Christian religions if Jesus had not died the way that he did.As for any of that being you're fault, It would have happened even if you had never been born.It was part of Gods plan for humanity and what seems horrible to us is just a perfect expression of God's love for us all.Don't be sad or upset, rejoice in the gift as God intended.

2007-12-31 20:56:30 · answer #8 · answered by egf247 2 · 2 0

Jesus chose to die and go to hell for you and everyone else who believes in Him. He did it willingly, why? BECAUSE HE LOVES US. And yes, true Christians have always believed this. Why? Because it's what makes us Christians!

2007-12-31 20:54:13 · answer #9 · answered by Debra d 3 · 2 0

I don't know exactly why God does things the way he does.

but I think in God's kingdom, he wants everything perfect, and you can't enter unless you are perfect, and he knows we can't be perfect

So he had to provide a way for us to enter heaven, since there is only hell, if you can't enter heaven, and no in between

but just think, Jesus didn't do anything wrong, not 1 little lie, and he went through all that, because he didn't want us to suffer forever in that terrible place that he made for the devil and the bad angels.

I don't know why a person that isn't that bad, could deserve a terrible eternity in hell, but that's the way it is.

Jesus is the only way, and the devil will do whatever it takes to keep that a secret from as many people as possible

Just think of the billions of people that will be with the devil when they die

2007-12-31 20:51:44 · answer #10 · answered by You may be right 7 · 2 0