Go to school and get the degree. Money goes to quick and once its gone, its too late. Use it wisely for your future, it will give you ten fold back.
2007-12-31 11:38:45
answer #1
answered by trixxi_fan 3
OMG, your mom is right! 1yr is nothing! Seriously go to school, Ive been where you are and I chose work, bad choice.
2007-12-31 12:32:07
answer #2
answered by seximami 2
Unless she is willing to kick in some money to help you, you should make your own choice. I do agree that you should go back to school though. One thing you should check into if you havent though is the financial aid office at the school. They could have grants and scholarships that could help you out, especially since you have children. If so you might be able to go to school without waiting.
2007-12-31 12:24:15
answer #3
answered by Dovahkiin 7
personally..while you go back to school...who is going to pay your bills?? your mother?? if not then you need a job to maintain in society....so yes i would go and get a job and go to school at night or during the day....but your mom can only give you advice but if she is not willing to help you with that advice then you need to do what you have to do to make sure your children have a place to stay.....if that means flipping burgers 8 hours a day then you do it.....
2007-12-31 12:16:36
answer #4
answered by $martA$$.com 4
I say they are both good answers and right choices, but with a child & one on the way, you'd be wise to take the opportunity to go to school now while you can because as the kids grow, time grows less & less. You will have less time to go the longer you wait unless you wait until they are grown & then it isn't so easy. Ask your mom if she'll help babysit or help find someone you can afford & tell her you'd go to school if you had child care. believe me, work will always be there, but not school.
2007-12-31 11:47:48
answer #5
answered by Cheripie 4
matters how pregnant you are.. honestly you should be working not digging yourself a deeper hole with school right now..
honestly your mom should be thinking about saving you some money and helping you by watching your son.. when she can.. being pregnant your gonna be putting yourself out of work and school in less than 7-ish months mattering how far along you are anyways.. for at least 2 -3 months..
work now ... save some money and get some job history..
2007-12-31 11:41:48
answer #6
answered by jeselynn_81 5
Sorry -- got to side with your mom here -- if you have some "back up" right now, ACCEPT IT and appreciate it. What if something happens to her and she's willing to help you now? If you put off school too long, the chances are VERY HIGH you won't go at all and you'll be stuck in dead end jobs and laid off like the rest of America -- you DON'T WANT THAT FOR YOU OR YOUR CHILD.
2007-12-31 11:41:30
answer #7
answered by butterfliesRfree 7
Both are right, Why not go back to school, part time or online, get a job to help with the bills and your mom can be your babysitter to help.
2007-12-31 11:41:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Go to school first because if you don't go now, the chances increase that you won't go back ever. Why don't you try getting a part time job and go to school part time. It may take you longer but you will be able to accomplish both.
2007-12-31 11:39:13
answer #9
answered by littleme836 6
choose urself or else u are just obaying random people
2007-12-31 11:38:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous