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About three days ago i got a 8 week old puppy.And he always shakes.He cries sometimes to usually cries while he's shaking does anybody know why? I think it is because he misses his mother.What do you think??Please answer this question it's really important!

2007-12-31 11:29:34 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

15 answers

Ok, how big is he? What breed? How has he been eating? Is it the same food as his breeder? Has he been going to do his "business" properly? How about water? Has he been drinking enough?

2007-12-31 11:35:15 · answer #1 · answered by Katslookup - a Fostering Fool! 6 · 0 2

I remember when I first got my cocker spaniel pup. She did the same thing for the first two or three days especially at night when I had to get her used to her crate. Just give the puppy love and attention. If this persist more than one week I would definetly say take to the pup to the vet. When does the puppy cry and shake? Is it just at night?

2008-01-02 06:14:37 · answer #2 · answered by Whitney C 2 · 0 0

He misses his mother and is very homesick. Give him TONS of attention and maybe a little warm milk to ease his shaking. Poor baby. Good Luck and Best Wishes!

2007-12-31 15:06:59 · answer #3 · answered by Smartypants 3 · 1 0

take him to a local shelter or dog hospitial or clinic to see whats wrong i know your scared just stay calm hope you find the problem wish the best to your little dog chao

2007-12-31 11:52:02 · answer #4 · answered by Amanda H 2 · 0 0

Don't leave it alone. If he begins to cry pick him up and hold him and tell him its okay. Reasure him.
Give him affection and soon the crying will cease. All dogs go through the 'where am i? who are these people?' stage when you first bring him home. Yours sounds a bit extreme but it all depend on what kind of dog he is. Labs get over it really quick usually. But chihuahuas might cry and mope for a week! Take him to a vet though if the crying won't stop and he keeps up the shaking! wait another week then take him to the vet. Good luck!!!!

2007-12-31 11:47:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok, first of all he is in shock! When he shakes and cries do not pet him, don't say its ok, don't feel sorry for him b/c at this point you are telling him its ok to shake and cry. So try not to pay attention to him-I know it sounds bad, but reality is, whenever you are showing affection to a dog that is not calm and submissive you are rewarding him for behavior he's acting on at that point. When he's resting or sleeping than its OK to pet him and care for him.
You are right, he's crying b/c he's misses his mother, previous environment, but he will be better. It takes time. believe me I know! YOu need to earn his trust on his terms! so be patient

2007-12-31 11:46:32 · answer #6 · answered by monika s 2 · 1 1

he is trying to stay warm and calling his siblings and mother. try putting him in a draftfree place and wrapping him in a terry cloth (towel) put a windup alarm clock near where the ticking sound can be heard. put him where he can see you at all times not in a doggy crate. i have a bull terrier that was that way so let him get in the bed. big mistake. now he thinks he's a forty pound lap dog (laps over on both sides) and my feet need to be warmed at night

2007-12-31 11:45:33 · answer #7 · answered by bearbait7351 3 · 0 0

It probably isnt used to your home and misses its old home and family. Maybe you can get the breeder to give you a memory or something that smells like the mother for the puppy to calm down but I know you will have a great life with your new puppy.Enjoy!

2007-12-31 11:43:22 · answer #8 · answered by bhawks19 3 · 0 0

Yes, it probably is because he misses his mother. Besides, he would be so tiny and he might need a source of warmth: That's why puppies tend to sleep piled on each other.

Try putting a nice soft blanket and a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel in his bed with him. If that doesn't work, take him to the vet and make sure nothing else is going on.

Good luck!

2007-12-31 11:39:41 · answer #9 · answered by Tigger 7 · 0 0

i think your right he probably misses his mom thats what mine did the first couple of days

2007-12-31 11:37:45 · answer #10 · answered by Emma 1 · 0 0

misses it's mother. show pup attention to ease it's fear

2007-12-31 11:32:59 · answer #11 · answered by wolfe0312 2 · 3 0