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I tried to do my online taxes and it says I need a 2210 form and taxes for 1997 and 1998, how do I get those w2s I don't even remember where I was working than

2007-12-31 10:16:14 · 4 answers · asked by taraearth 1 in Business & Finance Taxes United States

I used H&R Block Efile they sent me an email saying it was ready to use I used it last year

2007-12-31 21:51:39 · update #1

The IRS didn't say this it was on the efile when I tried to do my taxes online with H&R Block. I think I must have done something wrong so I just deleted it all it hadn't gone through yet it was only 90% done

2008-01-01 08:17:12 · update #2

4 answers

For previous W2 information visit IRS website and download Form 4506-T and request the w2 for those years, it will take IRS up to 60 days to provide the information to you. Did IRS ask you to file these returns, if so contact the phone number on your letter from IRS and ask them to send you the information, sometimes the information is provided in the letter and you can use it to file your return, could be titled: sumary of income, and will list all the information provided to IRS by your employers and banks.

2008-01-01 08:06:44 · answer #1 · answered by Ms. Angel.. 7 · 0 0

In the context of 2007, almost 2008, doing 1997 and 1998 taxes on line doesn't make sense. As a general policy detailed in its manual, IRS will not solicit a return more than six years old (that's 2000) unless there is fraud and you can't get a refund for a year older than 2004. If you haven't filed those old years, you needn't bother unless IRS is after you for them.

2007-12-31 11:33:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Something is more than a little weird here.

You can't file your 2007 taxes yet, and can't file online until Jan 14.

Form 2210 is for underpayment of estimated tax - that would pop up if you didn't have enough withheld and might owe a penalty for underwithholding. Filing that for the current year would not require tax info for 1997 and 1998 - either you read something wrong, or you are trying to use some very old software, like from 1999 - you have to use the current year software for a return.

2007-12-31 10:24:03 · answer #3 · answered by Judy 7 · 2 0

I think you may have entered something wrong.

Form 2210 is underpayment of estimated tax. Seems odd that it would go back to 97 and 98 NOW.

What application (site) did you use to do this?

2007-12-31 10:20:50 · answer #4 · answered by edco 5 · 0 0