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1 answers

Nothing beats healthy eating.

Concentrate on overall fitness and maintaining a healthy heart.
Eat a combination of lean protein and healthy carbohydrates every few hours throughout the day to speed up fat loss and maintain stable energy levels. For best results, eat six times a day. Try balancing your meals 70% protein 30% carbs. Eat your proteins from lean sources (Chicken, fish, boiled eggs, lean beef with all the fat drained off) and beans (lentil, lima, chile or any type of bean) For your carbs stay away from breads and rice. They do provide energy but they are high in calories. Choose leafy vegetables, carrots, raisins, broccoli and fresh fruits. Weight train intensely, three times per week on alternating days with aerobic exercise three times per week.
Drink 10 to 20 glasses water per day NO SODA
Good Luck !!!

Do crunches to bring out your abs.

Lift weights to gain Muscle
Eat Right and do Cardio (jogging, bike riding,or full court basketball 30minutes per day) to burn fat

2007-12-31 09:43:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0