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Even when im mi self around people they tell me dat dey dont like me n dat im lame. I have no friends n i have no confidence n mi self b/c of it. I wish dat i could have a ture friend dta liks me 4 who i am n not b/c i have things dat dey want o need. all da boys dat i date expect to traet me bad but onlii b wit me 4 a little amount of time to get mi n bed n den leave me turst me im not liat ive learned mi lesson da first real b/f i had did dat to me he ****** me then left me sooo i dont do dat no mo.

2007-12-31 08:47:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

1 answers

Well for one, your english shows someone trying way to hard to be cool. You don't have to misspell words to show how hard-core and undereducated you are, thats number 1. Two, is chances are, since you think thats cool, that you have some pretty hardcore misunderstands about how relationships should work, even thou you know by the way you feel, that what your getting, isn't what you deserve. Really this is going to come down to you doing some self-discovery and meeting new people that help you see whats worth a crap in you, and whats not. Give me an e-mail and I'll more then happily be a true friend, but that means brutal honesty, with loving compassion. That means passinate critism, with companianship. So unless your think hard-2-the-core, just keep going about your life, you'll ether learn on your own or not. But truth be told, if I'm anything, its because of the good people I met, not just because of me.

2008-01-02 04:50:42 · answer #1 · answered by Brutal Honesty 7 · 1 0