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I just got my second holes pierced on my earlobe 3 days ago. I have been cleaning them regularly and turning them. I make sure my hands are washed before I touch them and I've been wearing my hair up so it doesn't get caught. However, on my right side, the piercing is bringing me a LOT of pain. I can't sleep on that side because it hurts so bad, and when I clean that side, it's difficult for me to press the earring up enough to clean the hole. (On the right side, I can easily push the earring up and see & clean the hole with no problem.) I'm just wondering how to tell if it is infected or not? It hurts a lot when touched and when I look up close, I can't really tell if it's red or anything, but there seems to be some dry skin around the earring itself. The part that worries me the most is that it's really hard to push the earring up and clean it. (I hope you get what I'm sayingl) If it IS just irritated, how long will it last and what can I do to stop the pain? I hope it's not infected

2007-12-31 07:21:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Other - Skin & Body

4 answers

It doesn't sound like it is infected. Usually your earlobe would be really red. I would take some pain pills and wait until after the New Year. If it still hurts by Wed go to the doctor. It could be an infection. For now, apply hot compresses to the lobe and keep turning the earing. I hope it gets better but definilty see a doctor if the pain persists. If you don't want to go to the doc take the earing out and apply peroxide to the wound until it stops fizzing. Sterilize the earing with rubbing alcohol and put it back in your ear. Hopefully this will do the trick. Just so you know this is going to hurt.

2007-12-31 07:29:44 · answer #1 · answered by Mmgirl 4 · 0 0

Well I had the same thing happen to me. I am pretty sure you have keloids. You could find that out from your doctor. If you do you have to go to s go piercing place (not in the mall). You also have to get really good earrings that are real and kinda big.

2007-12-31 07:32:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1] just because you WEREN'T allergic doesn't mean you can't become allergic.
2] sounds like that side is irritated if not infected- definitely inflammed.
3] after cleaning that side, put some antibiotic ointment around hole and earring stud. Repeat twice a day.
4] use a heating pad or a warm compress [ hot washrag in plastic ziplock, covered with paper towel ] to ear for 20 minutes, four times a day
5] if not a LOT better in two days, see a doctor/clinic
6] DO NOT REMOVE EARRING unless you don't want to put it back in.

2007-12-31 07:30:46 · answer #3 · answered by Nurse Susan 7 · 0 0

Did you ever tested out Tinnitus Miracle procedure? Visit on this website : http://www.TinnitusGoGo.com . This can surely assist person!

2014-08-16 15:52:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0