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I had 4 veneers put on my upper teeth and a crown replaced 4 months ago. I've been back twice to get them trimmed and polished as I was complaining they were getting darker. they're poreclein!

Last week I went back for another veneer to make my mouth more symethrical. I've noticed the new veneer is brighter than the others!

What I also noticed from day 1 was that when I look in the mirror the crown is alot whiter than my veneers, to me it stands out! the veneers come across as yellow too, these are the lightest shade apparently! in bright line yeah they are white, other than that they are yellow!

Also when I first had this done my teeth were straight, now one of the front teeth is edging outwards and it's visible.
I asked her about this when I went for the other veneer fitted and she told me the tooth was definately firm and wasn't moving around. She edged some of the veneer off to make it look less misaligned but I paid 2K for all this, what crap!

2007-12-31 05:19:47 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Dental

thanks for the replies so far, I've also noticed that my gums are bleeding when i brush, and feels like the veneers are digging into them. Also my speech has been abit funny lately, never happended when i had them fitted, but all of a sudden they feel rough and bulky. Another thing too, my bottom set ive been maintaining by touching them up with at home caramide peroxide but it doesnt last very long, and i dont even drink things like cola. Im scared if i keep having to use it, i'll damage the enamel.

When i look in the mirror now its like seeing the smile i had before, its gone back to how it was.

looks like ill have to go get second opinion, just peeved that will cost me more money which i tried so hard in the first place to save up for :(

2007-12-31 09:34:27 · update #1

2 answers


2007-12-31 06:21:40 · answer #1 · answered by Dr. Albert, DDS, (USA) 7 · 0 0

Definitely get a second opinion... find another dentist (do a little research and check with the Better Business Bureau) and have them take a look. You certainly don't want to keep going to the same dentist if you aren't pleased with the work. (That's kind of like getting a bad boob job and going back to the same surgeon to fix it.) I have had to try various dentists before finally finding one that does good work and is trustworthy.

Good luck.

2007-12-31 13:25:18 · answer #2 · answered by slothums 4 · 0 0