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through this website, alike to "shooting fish in a barrel?"
(Simply question - rather obvious answer)
But the question is posted to you, out there.

2007-12-31 05:17:27 · 2 answers · asked by skydancerwi 6 in Education & Reference Other - Education

Hakim; You answer every so solemnly seriously!
Is there a particular reason for doing that?
No criticism meant, after all we are all, so much our expressions . . but I am beginning to imagine that avatar does authentically photographs you!
What exactly are you wearing? Is that mail, as used to be worn under armour???
Not being funny, just curious . . is all!!!

2008-01-01 02:01:15 · update #1

Hiya, Dear Free, Oh, I've been around, just very busy attending to matters of and around the holidays!
I am the one voice of thunder in my family, who'd run, if one would say "Boo!"
Therefore at key times, the holidays, most of all, if anything is familially out of kilter, I am voted silently, to be the one who corrects things. And then of course, I need some rest in-between.
I'm fine, save, a damaged jaw from a punch I received 3 nights ago, when out late at night, and a bit distracted by the reverie I was in.
Tomorrow though I see a specialist to take a better look, as to know what to do, because of the damage. Doc, just gave me pain killers and told me to hold ice to my jaw.
By the way, where was I, when I posted this question?
Probably in La-La land, daydreaming, or performing in a dream of mine.
(I am always the heroine, or little Match girl, or launching a ship here or there, somewhere!)
Just joshing!
Hakim, Glad you have resurfaced. I did finally look up, the legend of Skydancer

2008-01-01 02:15:15 · update #2

As to Skydancer, "who would'a THUNK it?" Hey?

2008-01-01 02:16:18 · update #3

WOW!!! and them some. (exclamation points, that is!)

2008-01-01 02:17:29 · update #4

2 answers

It's good to see you. I was going to post a question on where you might be. You have been gone a while.
Shooting fish in a barrel? lol Seems to be a lot like that! I still have fun here, even with that.
Once in a while, I actually shoot a fish in that barrel! : )

2007-12-31 08:28:34 · answer #1 · answered by Alright 6 · 1 0

Most often times we find the answers to our questions within ourselves. perhaps it is the answers that we hear that prompt us to look within ourselves.

2007-12-31 16:19:48 · answer #2 · answered by Hakim 3 · 1 0