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In the next year or so me and my fiance are getting married. I wear glasses all the time and don't really want to wear them during the wedding or in pictures. I can't hardly see without them and I'm already clumsy so I don't want to trip and fall either. Contacts aren't an option for me because I can't stand having my eyes messed with. They are very sensitive and it drives me nuts so no sticking my finger in my eye for me. Would Lasik surgery be a good way to go or should I just though it out without my glasses? Please seriously answers only! Thanks...

2007-12-31 05:03:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

I'm not only considering the Lasik because of just one day. There are other things that my glasses get in the way of. I always have to take them off in pictures because they always have a glare from the flash.

2007-12-31 06:49:34 · update #1

19 answers

You should talk to your doctor about this but in my opinion i would go with Lasik surgery. Its a painless procedure and it has really helped many. My mother hated wearing glasses all the time and she wouldnt wear contacts because of your same problem so we and the doctor convinced her to get lasik surgery and she loves it. Hope all goes well.

2007-12-31 05:11:17 · answer #1 · answered by Britt 3 · 3 0

Yes, lots! Wear your glasses since that's what you usually do - otherwise it seems odd. Now, a note of caution -- I wear glasses and they broke the morning of the wedding. I just picked them up to put them on that morning after I got up, and they broke in two at the nosepiece. No warning, nothing - they weren't old, had no problems with them or anything! Was in a small city, no where to get them fixed that day, and I had no backup glasses, and I hadn't worn my contacts in years so that wasn't an option. (I used some sort of supergunk to hold them together so I could at least drive that day - to my mom's, to the hairdressers...) So I had to go through the day WITHOUT my glasses, and it was not great. I could see fine for the ceremony - didn't need them to read the vows, but it was rough at the reception for seeing people from farther away! It was not good... Plus, here we are with all these wedding pictures and I'm not wearing my glasses in them - which I always had - it's just odd. So, wear them! Be your own beautiful self!

2016-04-02 04:32:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lazic surgery is only good if your vision has not gotten worse for 3 years otherwise after 2 years you will be back to wearing glasses. What a waste of money. It is also very expensive (about $2000 and eye).
And I was like you with contacts. When I first got them it would take me about half an hour to get them in my eyes, I hated it! Now I have both in in under 10 seconds. If you have quite a bit of time before your wedding I would suggest you get them and start to get used to them. You will be a pro in about a month. They really are worth it.
Otherwise your only option is to run blind for a day and hope for the best.

2007-12-31 23:46:33 · answer #3 · answered by Stiffler 6 · 0 0

People know you with your glasses, so just wear them!
About the glare, maybe just get new lenses with anti-reflective coating on them. I have it on mine, and no glare for pictures.
Actually, my glasses broke the morning of my wedding, and I had NO backup, and nowhere to get them fixed. So I went through the day not being able to see far away, and it was gross! And it's really odd to see me in all those pics without my glasses, when I've always worn them. (had contacts for a while, but too much hassle).
If you can afford Lasik, and are not just doing it for the sake of wedding pics, go for it. I know two women who have had it done, and it's worked well for them. I'd do it, but it's way too expensive!

2008-01-01 00:27:26 · answer #4 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 0

If you've been wanting Lasik and this is something that you think would be very beneficial to you, I'd talk to your doctor first, do some research, and then decide from there.

My question would be is wearing glasses really a big deal? I mean, if people know you with glasses, not wearing them at your wedding would seem unnatural. Then again, if you have almost a year to your wedding, you may ask your doctor about different types of contacts to try, to see which messes with your eyes less. Since you have the time, you may get used to them in time. Otherwise, I'd think Lasik would be a good choice if you got it done way in advance of the wedding.

2007-12-31 05:44:28 · answer #5 · answered by chaychayolei 5 · 1 0

Whatever you do, DON'T try to "stick it out." You will want to be able to see the expressions on everyone's faces, your groom's happiness, and your parents' pride. You will want to see your grandmother welling up with tears. You are spending big $$ for flowers, coordinated bridesmaids gowns, etc. -- what good is all of that effort if you can't see it? You will want to remember every detail of the day, and you can't do that if it's all blurry. Forego your glasses for the pictures, if you must. Perhaps for your walk down the aisle, you can hold your glasses in your hand (the one holding your Dad's arm). Then put them on once you get to the altar. (Actually, now that I think about it, that's a lousy idea -- you won't be able to see your husband's expression when he sees you in your dress for the first time -- that's a moment you don't want to miss.)

Everyone knows you with glasses. Your groom fell in love with you wearing glasses. So what if you don't look like a Disney princess? You will be beautiful to your husband and to all of the people who are there. The memories you make on your wedding day are so much more important than how you look in the pictures. Good luck!

2007-12-31 05:25:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Since your eyesight is that bad, you could wear glasses but take them off for pictures.

OR look into LASIK. I had it in 2000 and I haven't worn glasses (except sunglasses) since!

I was 20/800 and 20/600 with severe astigmatism and I went to 20/20 in both eyes immediately after LASIK.

It is SO worth it.


By the way I HATE contacts as well. I wore glasses for almost 10 years and tried contacts once, and hated the poking myself in the eye thing.

LASIK is well worth it and is for more than just "one day" like someone said. It does have its risks like every surgery so you have to weigh that information as well. I went to TLC and they have a lifetime guarantee, which means I get free enhancements IF I ever need it! Be sure to go to a REPUTABLE place (like TLC) and don't go for someone cheap because its cheap, these are your EYES!

2007-12-31 05:19:25 · answer #7 · answered by Terri 7 · 1 2

if you would try lenses I bet you would be surprised. You think now that you would hate to be poking your eye and all but its not that bad, you hardly feel it and if you do jab out your eye then you are clearly doing it all wrong.

I would get one box of contacts now see how you like them then decide on Lasik. That is serious and there still havent been too many studies on the long term effects. You only get 1 set of eyes, I am not willing to have surgery just for one day.

2007-12-31 05:12:49 · answer #8 · answered by Kit 4 · 7 1

I don't know about you, but I hate it when I'm not wearing my contacts or glasses and I can't see. I always feel uncomfortable not being able to see anyones faces. Not being able to see is also just one more thing you'll have to worry about on your wedding. So my advice to you would be to get the lasik surgery, only if that is something you were looking into anyway. If not, I would try to wear contacts, but don't do it just as a one time thing, get yourself used to them before the wedding. If these things don't work for you, I'd advise that you wear your glasses. You will want to be able to see on your wedding day.

2007-12-31 05:12:11 · answer #9 · answered by Mrs S 5 · 5 0

Try the contacts. If you cant do this maybe you can afford to have lasik surgery. This doesnt always work tho.
You should be able to see on your wedding day.

2007-12-31 05:11:54 · answer #10 · answered by Mrs. S 3 · 2 0