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Does anyone know where you can get something that covers an entire socket so a child cannot switch electric on and off, or if such a thing even exists?

2007-12-31 04:26:06 · 8 answers · asked by Head Q 2 in Home & Garden Decorating & Remodeling

It's for the switch on our freezer, as it is positioned very close to the floor. yesterday the whole freezer was defrosted, as no one realised that it had been turned off.

2007-12-31 04:39:12 · update #1

8 answers

Do you mean these???



2007-12-31 04:36:40 · answer #1 · answered by jayktee96 7 · 4 0

This Site Might Help You.

Child proof switch covers?
Does anyone know where you can get something that covers an entire socket so a child cannot switch electric on and off, or if such a thing even exists?

2015-08-12 00:02:52 · answer #2 · answered by Salome 1 · 0 0

You must have really low switches or a really tall child. lol. Try looking in the outdoor electrical section at the hardware store, they make covers for outdoor outlets, perhaps one of those could be modified for what you need. You could also try shutting some doors so you baby isn't wandering off to turn the switches on in the first place.

2016-03-18 02:37:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Safetots covers work very well. There are lots of these around (in the same way that there are "lots of Wii machines around" - everyone can find one except you). Don't give up.

I have also bought similar things from mail order (e.g. Kleeneezy) catalogues have even seen them in the big Superstores such as B&Q and Homebase. Unfortunatley, the bigger stores can't be relied on for consitent stock. A decent local hardware shop will often hold these covers. You could also try Mothercare.

They're well worth the money and easy to install, and have a life of several years.

2007-12-31 04:46:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thanks, jayktee9... , just what we want too.

2007-12-31 04:44:10 · answer #5 · answered by champer 7 · 1 0

Don't think anything like that exists. There are plug blanks which prevent children putting their fingers in to sockets. The only solution would be to position the switches out of reach which could be expensive.

2007-12-31 04:32:19 · answer #6 · answered by Goat Whacker 5 · 0 2

never seen one that will cover the full socket and switches

2007-12-31 04:31:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


2016-12-17 16:36:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0