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Girls like compliments right? But not from ugly guys right? ....So what should I do? I'm not the best looking?

2007-12-31 03:52:33 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

33 answers

We like sincerity. Tell her she has a nice smile or pretty eyes. Thats not creepy.

2007-12-31 03:55:20 · answer #1 · answered by Just Me 7 · 3 0

In general, compliment something above the neckline, like her eyes. Or a general complement like, "you look nice today" should be alright. Or try to complement her on something ELSE besides her looks (which she might be tired of hearing). Constantly commenting on her looks makes it sound like you only care about her body.

Another school of thought is that you should not complement a girl at all -- especially a hot girl who gets complements all of the time -- since it will make you look like all of the other desperate losers who have hit on her tonight. The other school of thought is that you should make fun of her a little, and pretend like you are not really all that interested.

The following excerpt is from a free dating advice newsletter. "Shark" considers a woman to be a "premium" if she knows that she is hot, and a "discount" if she is a hot woman who doesn't realize it. He has different approaches based on which one of the two categories that she fits into.

This is one of my favorite sayings that can be used in any situation

...especially parties like New Years Eve.

It can be used with different levels of strength depending on how well you know the woman

--or how quickly you can duck if she decides to slap you.

There's 2 versions:

--for Making a Memorable First Impression with Premiums Who Respond to and Follow Men Who Give Them Mini Cut Downs:

"That's a great dress, it's a shame they didn't have your size."

It works by focusing on any article of clothing like her top, her skirt, her jacket etc.

It works best on women you have already been teasing unless you are taking the obnoxious approach right off the bat

which isn't recommended for everyone.

for Building Trust and Influence with Women Who Are Premiums or Discounts:

As you're talking to a woman, point out another woman's tight outfit.

She will notice that the other woman's outfit got your ttention.

She might even get a little offended that you're checking out other women when talking to her or just ask you if you like that sort of outfit or "look".

If she asks you or not, you reel her back in by following up ith your "bad boy smerk" and say:

"Well, that IS a great dress, it's just a shame they didn't have her size."

This works because it fries the woman's brain by going in 2 directions at the same time.

1) She feels that you have granted her acceptance by aking fun of some other woman's outfit,

...therefore HER and her outfit must be acceptable to your liking.

2) You are going to be a fun challenge for her because you're keeping a roving eye open for women in great outfits.

The important thing here is that she knows that you will be a challenge for her and not an easy kill like a needy nice guy.

She will therefore have to increase her "womanly salesmanship" in order to keep YOU interested and focused on HER product.

Then she will start touching you and trying to keep you entertained with good conversation

...instead of YOU trying to keep her entertained and interested.

Even if you don't use this tonight, keep it in mind for any party or gathering where people are dressed up.

By the way...

Happy New Year!

I want you here in 2008 because I've got some surprises up my sleeve that you will get a lot out of,

...so make sure you come home in one piece tonight and tomorrow.


P.S. Remember the way a woman looks doesn't always indicate if she's a Premium or a Discount.

Unfortunately if you guess wrong, it's over before it starts.

If you want an instant refresher course on Premiums and Discounts

check out either Chapter 6 of the Jerk Book at:

2007-12-31 05:19:57 · answer #2 · answered by Randy G 7 · 0 0

your low self esteam will do you in completelly so no compliment will help you out.

Confidence is probably the best compliment you could give to a girl.

Look if you think a girl is pretty start talking to her by saying "hey hows it going". You don't always have to start off with a compliment "hey umm your fine is there room for 2 in those pants"..... *rolls eyes*...

But if you start talking and you want to compliment her. Compliment her on her eyes or they way she talks (if you like it) her giggle if she does.... small things like that can go a long ways... but if you compliment her on her phyical aspects don't do it on her behind/ or her breast, nor compliment her on how good she looks in the cloths...that is the first sign to us that a guy wants to get us in the bed, and for those who have respect for ourselves will be completely turned off. Now that doesn't mean you can't say to her "wow I love the fact of how dressed up you are, the color compliments your face", those are good compliments.
But if you start out with "I have been watching you...." or "i really like the way you move"...yeah those are creepy...
least in my book...
girls like to be romance so be romantic, and different.

But first get rid of the "I am not the best looking guy"....... your right, your not, there isn't a guy on earth that is the "Best" looking guy..... but I am sure you are handsome....and to that one special girl you will be the "best looking guy out there" and that's all that matters.

2007-12-31 04:30:01 · answer #3 · answered by twnmsk 2 · 1 0

Don't compliment her shoes or clothes or eyes. That would be kinda weird. Hmm.. If she draws you could compliment her drawings. Or you could just not compliment her. If she's really pretty and popular, like a cheerleader or something, then she most likey won't like you.

2007-12-31 04:13:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Speaking as a woman myself, nothing is more attractive than a confident man with a good sense of humor. Try going to more social events so you can get used to being around a lot of girls your age. Be yourself! Nobody wants to be with someone that is a phony! Try talking in the mirror to a pretend girl - I know it sounds stupid, but just saying things out loud can help you when you are in a real situation. Don't be so hard on yourself you're probably not as unattractive as you think you are (we are our own worst critics you know!). Girls do like sincere compliments no matter who they come from, but it must be SINCERE! If you don't feel it or mean it then don't say it. Don't be overly complementary either or it will appear that you're trying too hard. Just try to be relaxed as possible and be genuine and you'll be just fine. Girls are just as insecure and uncertain as boys are - you know??? We all have insecurities and we all have our shortcomings, but if you are truly a nice guy and only say what is in your heart and what is true then you will find a nice girl that will recognize your inner qualities and accept you as you are. Be patient there is someone out there for you. Good Luck and Happy New Year!

2007-12-31 04:04:04 · answer #5 · answered by Ethelucy 5 · 1 0

We all want the guy who is sweat and cares, girls do so much to look good and we hate it when guys dont notice, so say something sweet like , "wow you look really nice today!!" dont be all like " DANG baby your FINE!!" because we really like to hear that were beautifull not hot we dont like feeling like a piece of meet! I think youll do fine cuz i dont think ur a jerk so good luck i hope it all works out!!

2007-12-31 03:58:40 · answer #6 · answered by drna111 2 · 0 0

it's fine, just be like ''hey! i like those shoes! they're pretty awesome.'' and the girl will def not think youre creepy. she'd prob say ''thanks! i got them at blah blah store'' or w/e, and then you can continue the convo if you want, or just be like, '''well, nice pick!'' and then walk away. it wont be creepy. good luck!

2007-12-31 03:58:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not so sure about complimenting them.
You might try saying Hi instead. And then find something in common to talk about.
This would give them a chance to get to know you a little and you them. Then when you compliment them, it will be recieved better.

2007-12-31 03:58:23 · answer #8 · answered by Not so Fast 2 · 0 0

compliment girls that look like you for practice, then move to the better looking ones.

2007-12-31 03:56:22 · answer #9 · answered by Johnny U 6 · 3 0

Let them think what they want. They are all wierd anyway.

2007-12-31 03:55:08 · answer #10 · answered by csiders30 4 · 2 4