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not paying attention?
tsunamis, hurricanes, flooding, snow where it doesnt usually fall, 60-70 degree weather in Dec/Jan where winter usually exists, nature is reacting people

the facts are out there and the most ignorant of them all try and fail to discredit them or ignore them

change must start now not 20 years from now, it all starts with YOU, every little action helps, even picking up someone else's trash

2007-12-31 03:13:49 · 13 answers · asked by Tutanka 2 in Environment Global Warming

weather is how the globe naturally corrects the problems folks, there is a change coming...

2007-12-31 03:37:00 · update #1

a response to someone trying to be clever:
Tutanka is the Spirit of the buffalo, not the buffalo itself, and thus cannot get cold, and this is not panic at all, just explanation, education and discussion, these are thing to be talked about

2007-12-31 04:01:47 · update #2

13 answers

The reason that the 'media' hasn't really picked up on this story,is because it's not a 'wedge issue'. Climate change is an issue that tends to unite people behind a cause. Wedge issues like abortion,gays,and immigration,tend to separate us into splinter groups based on our 'opinions'. When it comes to extinction,people are in agreement on that,nobody wants it. As long as the 'deniers' can muddy the waters with their non-science, there will be doubt concerning global warming. That doubt is disappearing fast! Here in the Pacific N.W., we have gotten severe storms every winter,each one stronger than the previous one. So far,in the last ten years,we've gotten 6 storms,each was called a "100 Year Storm"! This year we got what has been called a "1,000 Year Storm"! It was a huge one! First we got 2 ft. of snow,record cold temps,immediately followed by record warm temps,and up to 18 in of rain on top of the rapidly melting snowpack! All within 36 hrs! We live on a slope,and the water was ankle deep,flowing all across the hill,everywhere! It flooded several feet deep,in places that had NEVER been threatened by floods before! I have been a believer in human caused climate change for over 20 years! It's only been lately that anybody listened to what I have to say! It's very sad when you think about the waste of a perfectly good planet,just to make money!

2007-12-31 03:42:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Well, the problem is it is not really that serious. And alarmist do not improve the credibility of their arguments by trying to blame every bad thing on global warming. Surely you know that tsunamis and earthquakes are not caused by global warming. And the dire predictions of increased tropical storms of greater severity, while founded on at least a modicum of a scientific basis, have failed to materialize so far, further eroding the credibility of the predictors.

Nor does it help when politicians like Al Gore (who has publicly admitted that he deliberately exaggerated the likely effects of global warming to make a point) bring typical political tactics like hyperbole into what should be a scientific discussion.

Add to this the strident use of emotional words like denier, ignorant etc by some activists and alarmists any you can see why many just don't buy into all of the hysteria.

2007-12-31 15:33:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What severity? Even the most ardent global warming believers will say that the temps have increased just 1 degree over the last 100 years.

2007-12-31 14:55:26 · answer #3 · answered by Dr Jello 7 · 2 1

Mixed reviews. Some say this way and others that. I have to say both have compelling evidence. That was a couple years ago, I don't see why people can ignore global warming. Its not very sudden, so change is very slow and slight but still devastating. It can seriously screw up ecosystems and global warming has attributed to the genocide in Darfur. Global warming can effect precipitation so yes you could have "more snow."

Also the United Nations are very keen on global warming. They believe it will be the cause of almost all future wars. I believe this too.

Yes global warming is a natural process, and temperatures have been slowly rising but humans have greatly accelerated it.

By the way the eirie devil, the ice and the glass is a very bad example.

Here is a better one:
Imagine a glass of water and it froze (Ice Age). Now about most of the ice is melted- like Earth- but the remaining ice still holds a lot of the water (like the icecaps). Now imagination comes in play, say tiny islands form (continents) and they're anchored down and can't float. Now the ice melts. Boom, they're underwater. Thats what will happen to most of the small islands in the Pacific and most continents will lose a lot of coastal land.

Scientists say the Ice Age occurred when global climate temperatures dropped a few degrees Celsius. If global warming can cause an increase of just a few degrees Celsius, think what will happen?

Don't worry change will come, sooner or later.

2007-12-31 14:51:30 · answer #4 · answered by Salivating Fish 3 · 0 1

You're right, global warming can be severe, but you can do nothing to stop it or change its path.
A Nobel prize doesn't make something false true.

If you can, see the movie 'The great Global Warming Swindle'. There are scientists discussing the global warming. No man-made attribution is in the climate change.
If you see the film of M. Gore and you stop when he shows his graph - the only one he shows -, then you take a ruler and put it vertically to the curbs, you will see, that the temperature starts to rise before!!!! the carbon dioxide rises. And he never speaks about vapor, which is the most important greenhouse gas.
A Nobel-prize for a demagogue, never seen before.

And nobody remembers that 30 years ago 'scientists' prophesied the next ice-age.

It is right that we shouldn't use fossil energies - funny, the only thing they think you can do with that is burn it. You can do better with it, just use YOUR brain and not other people's one.

2007-12-31 12:10:56 · answer #5 · answered by TheAlchymist 3 · 2 0

I like my Ford Explorer. It is big and comfortable, and if I get in a wreck, all the Hybrids, volvos, and VWs don't stand a chance against it.

Seriously, the earth warms and cools in cycles. Global warming is just a religion that people believe in because they can't come up with anything logical, and so they just blame this big general "global warming" issue. I think that mostly it is a joke. Sorry for all of the left wing extremists out there.

Tell Forrest GORE to be quiet for a spell!

2007-12-31 12:02:24 · answer #6 · answered by Riley 2 · 1 1

How people can not understand 4 billion years of dramatic climate change or even bother to review it, is beyond me. How they focus on 30 years of observations, or 100 years if they are really felling saucy, is comical.

Can you explain how driving my Wespe scooter is linked to tsunamis? Don't say "Anthropogenic Plate Tectonics", or APC, because that is *my* invention, not Alberto's.

2007-12-31 11:48:07 · answer #7 · answered by Knick Knox 7 · 3 0

The tutanka suffer when it is cold. Thier calf's struggle to survive cold winters as this one seems to be in South Dakota where many Tutanka live. This is true of almost all other animals as well. Why to wish for it to be cold. Cold is good for nothing except leftist political hacks or the gullible who listen to them. Educate yourself before you panic. Life is too short to live it worrying about nonsense.

2007-12-31 11:44:17 · answer #8 · answered by JimZ 7 · 1 3

Ignorance and stupidity are the most important factors.

2007-12-31 11:35:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

sorry, but i don't buy into the belief that the Earth is being burned up by global climate change. let's see--Boston is reporting more snow than EVER on record, hmmmm--seems not to be effected by global warming. besides--one side says we're running out of water and one side says we're burning up. so, all that melting ice should take care of our "running out of water" problem--so quit worry. i think people need to recycle and be energy efficient, but to call people ignorant because they don't believe in the global climate change--come on!!!

2007-12-31 11:23:37 · answer #10 · answered by s and d e 7 · 2 3