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I'm noticing that my cats appetite has increased. We feed him two scoops (a total of a cup) of dry Iams indoor cat formula at around 9pm at night along with a teaspoon of wet beef in gravy food. This is the only time he is fed. I've been noticing that when I wake up on the morning, his food is all gone. He would usually leave food to snack on throughout the day, but it appears as if he's eating all his food within a 2-3 hour period of time now.

He is around 5-6 years old and has a saggy belly. He weighs around 12 lbs and is 100% an indoor cat.

I've been reading about diabetes and can't say that i've seen an increase in his water intake, just the food.

Just need some advice or insight on why my cat is all of the sudden eating all his food right away.


2007-12-31 02:22:23 · 8 answers · asked by Peanut 2 in Pets Cats

Thanks for the responses. I'll make an appt. at the vet to have some blood work done.

2007-12-31 02:38:57 · update #1

I am going to switch him to Felidae right away. He doesn't appear to be losing weight and his water consumption isn't crazy. I am monitering that though. I think he might be too young for the hyperthyroidism too, but what do I know.

I'll switch his food right away and see if that helps.

Do you guys suggest a good wet food? Felidae?

2007-12-31 03:39:14 · update #2

8 answers

Before you race off to have a blood panel done I would try feeding the cat twice a day. I have always given my cats two meals a day.

He is really young to have developed hyperthyroidism and if that were the problem, or diabetes, you would have noticed a weight loss and/or increased water consumption.

You could look into a better quality food for him - things with less corn and no by-products. More quality meat in his diet would be better for him too.

2007-12-31 03:00:10 · answer #1 · answered by old cat lady 7 · 0 1

yes a trip to the vet wont hurt.. but you need to know that IAMS is NOT a good food...
see the ingredient list... by-Products are cheap filler.. beaks feet feathers... not exactly good stuff...
cats are true carnivours.. corn isnt meat..

so basically your cat needs to eat more food to get any nutrition...
gravy is NOT something cats should have - its carbs!!
carbs from the corn and the gravy can easily contribute to diabetes...

cats should have access to their dry food ALL day.. and canned (nomore than 1 teaspoon) 1-2 times a day.. YES you can mix water with the canned to make a soup which is exellent prevention for many health problems... best canned food is Chicken (or turkey) and rice MUSH (not chunks in gravey)

if you switch to a better food he shouldnt need to eat as much... however if he is in bad health as a result of eating IAMS then you need to get him checked first...

use caution when changing foods

Grocery, Wal Mart etc DO NOT sell good foods - your vet isnt even likely to reccommend a good food (they are often PAID to reccommend and sell crap like Science Diet) many Big Box stores do not sell good food - you have to get good food from smaller pet shops or livestock feed stores...

(dont know what country you are in so cant reccomend a food)

2007-12-31 10:51:27 · answer #2 · answered by CF_ 7 · 2 1

It's Winter.

Most animals eat more then they usually do in the Winter.

You should be giving him a can of Wet Cat Food every other day technically Everyone with male cats is supposed to but noone really knows that or pays attention to that.

You will want to get him more physically active if posible.

Again since it's Winter,.. we all are prone to being pigs and most Cats run into this problem. If you want their dry food spread out you could give half at night and half in the monring or when you get home.

Added: Iams is the most recommended Food by Vets and studies/research. Some animals need a little variety from time to time. [ My current cats didn't do well with Iams. When they'd get something they liked they'd hog it down. They love Friskies and won't touch Iams any more. Their favorite can food is Sheba's Chicken & Duck,.. which they get glued to.]

2007-12-31 10:49:32 · answer #3 · answered by sailortinkitty 6 · 0 1

you should feed 3 times a day ,,
1 breakfast
2 lunch
3 dinner
dry food always as sanck of the day

2007-12-31 10:36:22 · answer #4 · answered by HOT PINK L1PZ 1 · 0 2

You should get your cat checked by a vet -- increased appetite could be a sign of thyroid problems.

2007-12-31 10:30:52 · answer #5 · answered by ktrb 6 · 0 1

well, my cat did the same thing. pretty much the reason could be that your cat is growing and that it needs to eat more and drink more each day. cause i usually leave my cats two cups( because i have two cats) and they usually eat fast. maybe your cat's stomach is growing bigger to get stronger. to my cats i think science diet is a good food for cats.
hope this helps =]

2007-12-31 10:29:36 · answer #6 · answered by Snikk 1 · 0 1


2007-12-31 10:27:13 · answer #7 · answered by Twilight Luver!!! 4 · 0 1

Take him to the vet, and they will get a blood sample to see what is up.

2007-12-31 10:26:51 · answer #8 · answered by Mom of 2 great boys 7 · 0 1