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Last thurs me and my boyfriend were supposed to go out. however, he chose going out with his friends over going out with me. i was very mad and we quarelled over this. he then promised me he would go out with me tomorrow. but now he tell me he would be out with his friends again and cannot be able to go out with me. i am feeling extremely frustrated that he is spending more time with his friends then me. the last time we met was like, 2 weeks ago. and when i call him about that, he shouted at me and said a lot of depressing words such as i being not understanding, reasonable enough. he finally admitted he had planned to drink and get drunk tonight with his friends. so to recover from his hangover, he cancels our date tomorrow. what should i do? i am feeling very disappointed and i cannot tolerate his behavior any more.

but as the saying goes, to love someone, you have to be patient. i feel i am being patient enough. he doesnt answer my calls now. what should i do?

2007-12-31 01:57:03 · 26 answers · asked by thegangygirl 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

we're together for almost a year

2007-12-31 02:07:33 · update #1

26 answers

If you haven't seen him in 2 weeks, then it seems he has already dumped you or at least is not very interested in having a relationship with you. Let him go, you'll find someone that values you more than he does.

2007-12-31 02:03:02 · answer #1 · answered by Pogo peeps 6 · 1 0

he u should leave him cause u have been to patient girl thats 4 dates he cancelled just to be with his friends come no **** ever goes like thats thats more than his friends there and on top of it hes not talking to girl ur relationship has ended some weeks ago its time to move on there are other persons in the world move u r better than he is

2007-12-31 02:30:15 · answer #2 · answered by tash 2 · 0 0

Yeah, to love someone you have to be patient. But, there's more to love than that. You have to love yourself, too, and stop accepting second-class treatment from a guy who should be putting you first. Tonight, get dressed up, and go "somewhere". Where you go and what you do is really unimportant, you're just communicating to yourself (and to him) that you're not putting your life on hold and sitting idly by waiting on someone else to come bring meaning to your existence. That's a healthy thing to do. Love is as love does. I doubt anyone would be impressed with a mate who decided to blow off a date with them so they could accomodate a hangover they haven't even gotten yet. With a new year on the periphery, you may want to decide if you want to continue being an afterthought in someone elses life. There's better treatment out there. Good luck to you, and Happy New Year.

2007-12-31 02:20:28 · answer #3 · answered by Captain S 7 · 0 0

When you do get the chance to talk with him again,try and except the fact that he goes out with his friends,try suggesting going with him sometime.The one thing that's hard with guys in a relationship is giving up their friends. Women do it more than they do,and sometime you lose your friends dealing with a boyfriend.So just try to be alittle more patient,but also let him know your not going to be tooken for granted either,never let no one treat you like that. Next time he goes out with his friends,say fine and tell him you have plans anyway and go out with your friends.Watch the reaction,you may be surprised. Good luck

2007-12-31 02:13:57 · answer #4 · answered by glorene b 3 · 0 0

im a guy and this is how i think u should deal with it: the thing with dating is that after a while, you kinda take each other for granted. that's what he is doing at the moment - he has sort of forgotten to appreciate u and has started takin u for granted. the best way to make him realise that is NOT to keep complaining about it (however tempting it is !) because, trust me, us guys hate it (and we dont listen to it - maybe we should !). anyway, the best way of making him realise it is to do the complete opposite of what you're doing at the moment which is to pretend that you are not bothered if u go out or not. that'll raise a few eyebrows from him. then, make a date to go out say in a weeks time and then call him and cancel really casually, saying that youd prefer to go out with a few of your friends that night instead (dont tell him this in a leading way, just say it in a slightly apologetic, "oh hope thats ok" way but stay firm that u are not going out with him). within a week, he'll see things from your side and will actually be asking u on dates and making sure that he keeps the date. good luck !

2007-12-31 02:11:39 · answer #5 · answered by Jay S 1 · 0 0

I think your bf maybe isn't ready for a serious relationship. Not just with u but with any girls out there. as u can see, he really cares about his friends a lot. more than u, girl. i think u should just break up with him. there r many other guys out there better than him. his not the only guy for u. many awaits. i also heard a saying that goes, if u break up with someone, there is someone out there who is better n destined to be with u. hope u will do the right thing. best of luck!

2007-12-31 02:09:35 · answer #6 · answered by FarahYana 1 · 0 0

Yeah, he seems pretty childish to me. Just give him some space and see how it goes. It might just be that the two of you should call it off instead since I think you're better off without him.

He's keeping you on your toes, and that can't keep up forever. It's tiring and stressful.

2007-12-31 02:09:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well if he aint answerin ur calls now maybe u should break up with him.cuz i dated someone like that and i havent talk to him for a month n than he picks up the phone cuz i blocked my number from comein up n i broke up with him.i know it might be really hard for u but he aint worth ur time.and he dont know what hes missin out

2007-12-31 02:08:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to start dating other people. You're dealing with a person that does not know what a relationship means. Also, it sounds to me that he has no respect for females in general. Dump him and stay away from him. Good luck!

2007-12-31 02:07:56 · answer #9 · answered by Hazel Eyes 3 · 0 0

Sound like you're his rebound gal, he comes to you when he wants something, he say all the right words to your face just to get what he can get from you, once he got what he wants, he put you to one side till the next time

2007-12-31 02:07:07 · answer #10 · answered by Kennedy 3 · 0 0