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Islam is a third world religion for failed societies.
It suits poverty and ignorance very well. Its problems arise when it comes in contact with civilised peoples.
Bold statement?
Test the proof for yourself; name one civilised, liberal, democratic, prosperous Muslim country that you would be happy to live in? (Particularly if you are a woman.)
No, neither can I.
And I don't think it's just coincidence that all Muslim societies are poor, repressive and tyrannical.
Islam has spent over 1000 years losing to the West in virtually every field of human endeavour: science, commerce, politics, human rights and of course warfare.
Only now, when the lucky happenstance of discovering oil under their feet is creating enough wealth for them to be able to emigrate to the West in their millions and buy western technology (including arms) are they even registering on our sensibilities.
And how? With mindless violence.
Convert to Christianity, and be on the winning side for a change.

2007-12-31 01:56:20 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

EDIT: I am an Englishman. I have travelled extensively in the Middle East. It is rife with poverty, ignorance and repression. Anybody who thinks otherwise is a dreamer or dissembler.
The "Golden age of Islam" ended approximately 1000 years ago, Job.
Methinks you doth protest too much.

2007-12-31 02:58:05 · update #1

EDIT: Janet my dear, "racist" does rather presuppose "concerned with race". Had you not noticed my question is about religion?

2007-12-31 03:03:19 · update #2

EDIT: Job, please learn to spell, or at least click the spellchecker button, your inarticulate raving is difficult enough to understand without all those spelling mistakes.
Just go to Wikipedia and check the Human Rights and Politics section any of those countries you have mentioned. Then tell me they are liberal and democratic.
BTW: I am not a Christian I am an atheist. My point is the Christian tradition has been very much more successful than the Islamic system. If you have been conquered and manipulated it is because you were too weak to win and too ignorant to resist. That's how the world works.

2007-12-31 12:54:42 · update #3

31 answers

I'm happy where I am, thanks!- and to those Wisacres who keep on saying "England" this country will never become a Theocracy, thank you very much!

2007-12-31 02:02:19 · answer #1 · answered by James Melton 7 · 2 1

Sharia regulation is relatively the comparable as Christian scholars amassing punishments and crimes from the Bible, including some misogyny and medieval human rights violations and different culturally correct BS then calling it in spite of the Latin word for regulation is. "Sharia" actually merely potential "regulation" or "way" in Arabic. it is ordinarily guy-made and the Quran does no longer define one criminal, political and economic gadget that an suited "Islamic" united states is to be run on. The Quran itself would not help this utopian concept of sharia. "to each of you God has prescribed a regulation and a manner. If God might have willed, He might have made you a single people. yet God's objective is to objective you in what he has given each and every of you, so attempt in the pursuit of distinctive function, and understand which you will all return to God [in the Hereafter], and he will determine each and every of the worries in which you disagree."  [Quran "The table unfold" 5:40 8] Muslims stay merely fantastic in the West and there relatively isn't any such element as infidel regulation neither is democracy a criminal gadget or form of regulation. Sharia and democracy are no longer on the same time unique seeing as they are 2 quite a few issues. i'm a Muslim Westerner and prefer I stated above I reject the entire concept-approximately sharia regulation and am completely happy with a mundane democratic state that does no longer infringe on it is electorate' good to coach the religion of their selection freely.

2016-10-10 17:26:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I'm going to ignore part of your ignorance and say that Libya is a very nice country to live in.
Oh, and I also agree with Janet's answer. Well done Janet.

2007-12-31 05:00:41 · answer #3 · answered by ☮Luwayla☮ 6 · 0 1

I'd rather die, thanks all the same.

2007-12-31 02:51:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 5

As salaamu 'alaikym, my opinionated, untraveld and il-infgormed poster.

Have you ever been to the United Arab Emirate, Jordon, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Iraq before the USofA invaded it and disrupted its economy, educational system, and over threw its government ( which was not done by the Iraqi people or done by their choice), Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, to name just a few?

Of course you haven't. You have never lived anywhere but in the United States in the comfort of mommy and daddy's house. You are semi-literate in American English and, at best, know only a few words in any other language.

Your education is limited with no indepth knowledge of the history of various area, cultures and countries of the world. You get your informaiton from the nightly news, Fox and CNN without every realizing how twisted and distorted their reports are.

You seem to have missed the entire "Dark Ages" of European history which was the Golden Age of Islam with many of the advances in all of the sciences mdae during that preiod still inuse today throughout the Western world. Without this golden Age of Islam, European would have had to slowly rediscover all of the science, mathematices, history, philosophy, etc, which they had deemed heresy and had banned.

You seem to miss the large number of Ph.D.s awarded to persons from the MIddle East and the many professors from that same area of the world who teach throughout the world, many of whom are in the USofA.

You also seem to have missed how the West has tried to manipulate the MIddle East for its advantage and at the expense of the Arab peoples and cultures, which was so very "Christian" of them, to say the least.

You have also missed the fact that the present turmoil in the Middle East is due in no small part to the actions of the USofA and its allies, their stripping persons of their rights and lands, the overthrow and established governments which they later overthrew, etc., all in the name of promoting
democarcy" which, I mistakenly thought was to represent the will of the people being governed by such rather than the will of some other nation.

As far as Christains be the "winning " side, let's recall the Dark Ages again, the Crusades (which the Christains lost), the Inquisition(s), the destruction of many cultres and peoples of the world as part of the Christian colonization of the same, the Klu Klux Klan and the murder of individuals of varying races and ethnic/religious backgrounds by the same in the name of supporting Christianity and the white man's rule, the Christain Neo-Nazi movement in the US, the Oklahoma city bobmby and the bombing of churches, aboration clinics and the murder of doctors and nurse as the as the contuned moral decline and decadency of Western "Christian" culture. If such is "winning" it might be more personally profitable to not be on that side.

As we recall all of this, let us also remember that this life is of a limited nature and that even by the supposed "Christain" teachings of the corrupted Gospels and Acts, material gains in this life more often than not leads to hell in the next life.

There is nothing wrong with poverty as long as the same is a choice between following one's religious beliefs or surrendering the same as has happened in the West and in all cultures associated with or infuenced by the West. It is better to be a beggar in this life and be deemed righeous and allowed into paradise then to be rich here and no and damned later in the next life.

We have now seen that you education is lacking, you experience is non-existence, you linguistic skills are as limited as your education and experience and your reasoning abilities are also lacking.

Thank you for presenting such a good example of "Christianity", its successes, it practices and teachings.

Insha'Allah, I will remain a Muslim as I pray that you and all person who share you ignoranace, stupity, bigotry and bias will be rightly guided by Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala.

Ma'a salaam.

As an Englishman, you should be well aware of the part England played in the Middle East when they declared that Palestine was "unoccupied" and gave the land to the European Jews. This is one of the major causes ot teh current problems in the MIddle East, the idocacy and arragance of England.
If you had actully "traveled extensively" you would be well aware of Kuwait, the United Arab Emirate, Jordon, Malaysia, and Indoneasia and how England pales by comparison.
You are a fraud, a pretender and, as previously stated, uneducated, il-informed, biased and bigoted.
Ma'a salaam

2007-12-31 02:31:22 · answer #5 · answered by Big Bill 7 · 5 3


2007-12-31 02:24:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Look up "Islamic Empire" and you'll change your statement. For more than 700 years, Al-Andalus, aka Spain, specifically Cordova, was the hub of Medieval Europe. It was the creme de la creme of European civilization... because it was Muslim.

Islamic scholars brought huge advances in:
medicine, art, law, physics, mathematics, engineering, astronomy, philosophy, literature... the list goes on and on.

Medieval (and earlier) Europe was far too backwards and barbaric to dig itself out of its marsh by itself. Ah, but once Islam came, things changed drastically. Without Islam, there would never have been a European Renaissance.

To answer your question, I'd try Dubai (UAE), and perhaps Egypt. I've entertained the thought of living in Egypt, and at one point was almost ready to move there.

2007-12-31 02:20:59 · answer #7 · answered by Dolores G. Llamas 6 · 4 1

Have you ever studied Islam? Do you personally know any Muslims? Have you ever been to a Muslim country? Ever contemplate the role of Christians play in the expoitation of other people? Do you realize that "being on the winning side" and the teachings of Jesus are opposite concepts?

2007-12-31 02:19:55 · answer #8 · answered by Alice Lockwood 4 · 5 0


before the US helped make it a Theocratic and Sharia Law control Islamic state...

Persian culture rocked

2007-12-31 02:08:05 · answer #9 · answered by voice_of_reason 6 · 6 1

Dubai - I wouldn't mind living there.

2007-12-31 02:03:22 · answer #10 · answered by . 5 · 8 1

No. Not a one. I love my country and want to stay here.

Thanks for asking!

2007-12-31 02:01:35 · answer #11 · answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6 · 1 3