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I am looking for a style of singing that is very "clear" singing
Some example are choir "solos" but without words and in the clarity of "Amy Lee".
The best example I can find is Gabriel Yared's Angel Falls. About 2:00 minutes into the song there is a "angelic" singing voice. What is THAT type of singing called?
(Obviously I want to know who sings like that too).

2007-12-30 23:35:26 · 4 answers · asked by doowopdj104 1 in Entertainment & Music Music Singing

4 answers

in classical terms, we call it voce bianca, or white voice. It can occur when any number of factors are considered. the easiest is the voice of an untrained child, simply because it hasn't got the adult characteristcs yet. Adults can approximate this child-like or bell tone sound if they exert themselves tohold their throat musculature very still while singing. This is much more easily said than done, since most untrained singers wouldn't know which muscles to use in the first place...
young people who are just starting singing, and haven't had the hours or knowledge to learn to enable their vibrato to happen in a completely natural way, often complain of the lack. it has to do more with musical taste and style than with what is "better" singing.
for further listening, try going all the way back to the 1600s, or Renaissance, period of music. There are various groups who try and maintain the very clear, non-vibrato sound, principally the Catholic church, of that day and age. You can find numerous examples of this type of singing posted not only onyoutube, but other sites on the web, let alone the music library of your local university.
the use of vibrato as an element of style probably came into vogue in the 1600s, when opera as a genre was first developed. this usage continued as an element of vocal style and technique to contend with ever growing orchestras, and the need to be able to be heard above them ( we don't use mikes, remember?). Modern classical music in the 20th century returned to voce bianca as a stylistic element to try and remove the connotation of opera.
Do you remember the old film 2001? there are lots of modern classical pieces used in that film score which leave out vibrato for stylistic reasons. ( one of the first films to do so, and of course, it took off from there)
this style is found in most Western musical teminology: white voice,straight voice, voce bianca voix blanche, Weisse Stimme, to name a few.

2007-12-31 01:00:46 · answer #1 · answered by lynndramsop 6 · 7 0

find sings song called sincerely

2016-05-28 05:17:40 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2007-12-31 04:30:07 · answer #3 · answered by Beautiful Bekah 2 · 0 0

I call this style "ethereal"... Other ethereal artists include Enya, the boy choir Libera, Sissel and Eri Sugai for example.

2007-12-31 00:39:03 · answer #4 · answered by cantilena91 7 · 0 0