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but what Allah wants is the best for us??

For sure it is. If he likes me to be at this place and my wish is to be somewhere else, but m still at this place. so Allah knows what is the best for me. After all I'm the follower of Islam, I'm Muslim, Alhumdulillah.I must accept what comes into my way, yet praying to Allah for the betterment. hmmm Allah is just Great~!

2007-12-30 23:22:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Holidays Ramadan

us not united states.

I thought m in the Ramadan section, where ppl can understand what m saying.

2007-12-30 23:42:05 · update #1

@wht iz dis.. WHAT IS THIS? I know I have answered my question, and now want other's views on it. And aunty said Walaikum assalam beta, jeetay raho :P

2007-12-31 01:44:55 · update #2

17 answers

This is what helps me get though life. When ever something happens and I can't see the good in it and I don't want it, I say maybe this is what Allah wants. For example I was so sad when I had a miscarriage about 3 months ago. But lately I have been under alot of stress and had some marriage problems. A baby is not good for this family at the time. I couldn't see that 3 months ago and couldn't understand why I lost my baby. Allah knows best.

2007-12-31 09:46:45 · answer #1 · answered by Umm Ali 6 · 1 0

I WANT a second slice of cake, but its not the best food for me.

2007-12-31 20:33:02 · answer #2 · answered by CanadianFundamentalist 6 · 0 1

It is mostly true

2007-12-31 16:44:21 · answer #3 · answered by Islam=Peace 3 · 1 0

Yes of course sometimes we don't know whats good for us.

2007-12-31 14:18:11 · answer #4 · answered by Knowing Gnostic 5 · 1 0

Yes it is true.....i can't think of anything better to say!

2007-12-31 13:08:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

if i had everything i wanted i would be corrupt... period.


2007-12-31 10:52:57 · answer #6 · answered by Miss Lady 5 · 2 0

Allah does not know. Allah is a manifestation of the mind of Muhamed. Rejoice in the Lord for he is good.

Accepting what comes your way doesn't mean you strap a bomb to your chest. Suicides do not see G-d.

2007-12-31 10:43:04 · answer #7 · answered by Goethe's Ghostwriter 7 · 1 6

Verse # 216 :- ” …… But it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you.Allah knoweth ,you know not.”

See? How true the words of Allah are. We try to base our decision on the basis of our mere likes and dislikes, giving no importance to what lies in our best interests.Strange …… But true. Afterall what do we know about what is going to help us and what is going to lead us to the wrong path. ?????

We ask Allah for many things, Everything isn’t going to benefit us,hence Allah grants us things only which can/will be beneficial for us. But when a certain prayer of us isn’t answered, a certain wish isn’t granted, we get disheartened & think that Allah is angry with us for which this wish/prayer isn’t granted/accepted. That’s the wrong way to take, We should believe in Allah and move ahead thinking that Allah has planned something much better than what we asked ,which will someday glow its charm.We cannot understand Allah’s planning, humans are not blessed with the capacity to understand it.

So, all my friends,sisters and brothers, Have faith in Allah,who has the love and affection of 70 mothers for every Muslim …….. One mother loves us so dearly, imagine what the love of 70 mothers would be like ???????

May Allah bless us all with enough wisdom and understanding, and direct us to the right path,Ameen.

2007-12-31 10:06:43 · answer #8 · answered by Hassan 5 · 1 0

Yes it is true. In order to find out wheather what you want is good for you or not, you can ask Allah by performing a special prayer known as Salatul Istikharah.

After saying your Isha prayers, say two rakats Nafal (extra) and then make the following supplication to Allah:

"O Allah, I consult You as You are All-Knowing and I appeal to You to give me power as You are Omnipotent, I ask You for Your great favor, for You have power and I do not, and You know all of the hidden matters . O Allah ! If you know that this matter (then he should mention it) is good for me in my religion, my livelihood, and for my life in the Hereafter, (or he said: 'for my present and future life,') then make it (easy) for me. And if you know that this matter is not good for me in my religion, my livelihood and my life in the Hereafter, (or he said: 'for my present and future life,') then keep it away from me and take me away from it and choose what is good for me wherever it is and please me with it."

Allah understands all languages. You can say it in what ever mother tongue you have. If you prefer to say this Duwa in Arabic, it is available in books in Arabic also.

For example once I wanted to move to another city because I heard there were more and better jobs there. But I wasn't sure if I should move there or not. My wife reminded me to do Salatul Istikharah. So I asked Allah please guide me if my moving to this city is good for me or not. And for several weaks the thought of moving didn't come in my mind.
Allah erased the thought out of my memory. Most probably it wasn't good for me.

Practicing Muslims always do SalatulIstikharah if there are more than one proposals of marriage for their daughter. Both seems comparable and good. So then they ask Allah what is best and Allah erases the thought of one that is not good and strengthens the thought of young man what is good for their daughter.

2007-12-31 09:04:52 · answer #9 · answered by majeed3245 7 · 1 2

It often happens that God endows a servant with a grace that he does not expect. It also happens that one hopes for something while his goodness is in its opposite. It also may happen that one is running for his doom, while he goes slowly for his goodness.

2007-12-31 08:45:39 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1