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I have been in the music ministry as pianist for over 10years. But I lost my track when I had a boyfriend 5years ago, it was a typical demanding and insecure first love relationship that lasted for 2years but after about 2 years of separation we got back together april of this year and we're already planning on getting married. He included me in his application for work abroad over a fiance visa.. i was supposed to turn over my application october but last week of august he broke up with me for another girl. Suddenly all the plans were just gone.

Then I met a christian friend who invited me over to teach on a music program for the street kids here and helping out has really accelerated my recovery. God dealt with me face to face while teaching for the center. Healing, forgiveness, deliverance.. And I just felt all the pain was erased... And by God's greatest grace He lifted me up..

Then I met this christian guy from another place.. same country but one plane ride away...

2007-12-30 22:41:41 · 15 answers · asked by terra 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I met him online. I was surprised by the interest he showed me. After just our first talk I did notice we have so much in common from the books we read, TV shows we watch, and opinions, beliefs and principles about life and faith. But I did not think of anything romantically. But he asked my number. Always messages me when he's online to talk to him. He calls me and prays for me. I even have a bible near me when we chat. I must say that this guy has really contributed a lot to renewing my spiritual life. He's a bible school student. He's helped reignite my passion in praying, reading the bible and communing intimately with the Lord in worship. His passion for God's work is just sooo strong it's contagious. A man very rooted in God's word. It was him who first hinted romantic interest.

And I now I'm considering going over his place to work there.... how my spiritual life has grown because of him i just want to give myself a chance to get to know the person well...

2007-12-30 22:47:18 · update #1

I met him online. I was surprised by the interest he showed me. After just our first talk I did notice we have so much in common from the books we read, TV shows we watch, and opinions, beliefs and principles about life and faith. But I did not think of anything romantically. But he asked my number. Always messages me when he's online to talk to him. He calls me and prays for me. I even have a bible near me when we chat. I must say that this guy has really contributed a lot to renewing my spiritual life. He's a bible school student. He's helped reignite my passion in praying, reading the bible and communing intimately with the Lord in worship. His passion for God's work is just sooo strong it's contagious. A man very rooted in God's word. It was him who first hinted romantic interest.

And I now I'm considering going over his place to work there.... how my spiritual life has grown because of him i just want to give myself a chance to get to know the person well...

2007-12-30 22:47:39 · update #2

but im still praying for it.... because nobody is going to take over my place in the music ministry as keyboardist in my church.....

do you think my decision is selfish if I'll go???

Any insights on how to know the will of God please?

2007-12-30 22:48:50 · update #3

15 answers

The biggest thing I have learned as a Christian is to never make a decision based on emotions. Emotions come and go. Make them based on what you hear in your heart from God. After prayer and being before your Father, He will make your way known. I would only advise that you not allow anything to do with this young man to influence your decision. Put everything aside that has to do with him and look at the move as if he wasn't there. When you clear your mind of him, look at what you see in your future if you take the job and make the move. You have to be in THE location God wants you to be at where his blessings will flow as He has planned. If the new location is that place, you must realize that God also then has someone in mind to fill the place where you are now and they can't be in their location of blessing if you are staying where He wants them to be. So do not allow guilt to keep you where you are. God has a plan for everyone and someone to put in every place. Just do what He tells you to do for YOU and He will take care of all the other stuff. Everyone has a divine destiny. That may not include this young man. It does include your spiritual growth and development of your gifts and talents.

2007-12-30 22:59:49 · answer #1 · answered by ganna 4 · 1 1

first things first dear one, when in doubt ask god? secondly follow your heart, first suggest to this guy that you meet in some mutual place for more than ine time, get the feel of him before you make any rash decisions to pick up and move, because in this day and time the enemy is working over time to get gods children away from him and he surely can make our hearts desire look so good say the right things, even do the right things but ask god to show you, the real him, and meditate on it, then make a choice. god bless you hope all goes wonderfully for you, and never, ever let go of your dreams for noone, or nothing and hold tight to god.

2007-12-31 15:41:24 · answer #2 · answered by borden76201 1 · 0 0

I truly believe that God is not malicious or cruel, and that He does not play mean jokes. Therefore, I believe that He sent this new guy into your life for a reason, not just to tease you or dupe you. If God has opened a door, why not walk through it? You are a very spiritual person. It sounds like this new guy is too, and that you both are on the same wavelength. Trust me, God will fill your position in the music ministry. I would give this spiritual, beautiful new relationship a chance. You both are praying people, so pray about it together. I honestly believe (psychically) that God removed the one that wasn't right for you, and brought the right one in. Humans aren't perfect, and maybe it won't work out, but you know what, you will never know if it is God's will until you give it a try. And if it wasn't God's will, He will help you find your way back. It is the fact that we want His will and search it out that pleases God. He knows we are human and may make a mistake in our judgment, but He will deliver us if we fall. I really believe in signs and that God puts us on the path He wants us on, and this has fallen in your lap. I'd pray hard, and then go for it. I am still praying for you (as I have been for the past few months). I believe God has sent you this new man for a reason. I will be praying for you guys. And I wish you the very best in your spiritual journey.

2007-12-31 14:20:32 · answer #3 · answered by TwyztedChyck 4 · 1 0

Find a quite place to pray and talk with the Lord. Many times I get a gut feeling of things I should do in my life, and follow them and never have I felt I have made a wrong choice, I truly believe our Lord speaks to each of us in different ways. God knows what's best and follow your gut feeling. Sometimes you get no feeling but keep praying until it comes. I will pray for you my friend in Christ.

Dear Lord I ask you to speak to this loving soul that adores you, please guide, bless and embrace with Your loving wisdom and give them courage to do things that may take them out of their comfort zones in life. Oh Lord you are all good and You bless us more than we deserve, we ask You with a humble heart to fill our lives with wisdom and love. Help this person to make choices that are pleasing to You . We ask this in your divine name Jesus Christ our Sacred Savor. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen +++

2007-12-31 13:58:25 · answer #4 · answered by Mike elmore 1 · 2 0

It sounds like you need to search your relationship with the Lord and listen to the Lord. It sounds like you are lonely and really wanting a man in your life. Let the Lord fill those places. If it is meant to be, the right man will come and not online. You could be setting yourself up for some horrible abuse. Remember that people to come as wolves in sheep's clothing.
Please know that the Lord Jesus will fill those wholes in your heart. So not expect a man to do this for you. Your relationship with Jesus shoulb be your own and it sounds like you are more interested in the relationship with this guy, who you realy do not know. Please! Please do not put yourself in danger. Please know that the Lord loves YOU and allow Him to guide your life and find the right one for you.

2007-12-31 12:14:09 · answer #5 · answered by agnes 3 · 0 0

im there 4 u but can u help me will u please pic me 4 best answer

2007-12-31 09:34:41 · answer #6 · answered by inoiroc 2 · 0 0

Pray to God, and ask him to confirm if you are supposed to be with this man or not. Ask him for specific confirmations.

If God really wants this for you, he will confirm it, at least twice. Tell God you want no doubts to remain, that you want his will alone.

You could even ask God, if he wants you to go, to send someone there to replace you. But that is totally up to you.

Just whatever you do, be real sure it is God's will for you, or it will not work. I will be praying for you to make the right choice.

God bless and keep you. ncovercomers@yahoo.com

2007-12-31 07:01:12 · answer #7 · answered by ncovercomers 2 · 1 0

I am ignoring the Christian stuff.

You say you met this guy online, it's easy to pretend to be something you are not when you are not communicating in person.
Don't assume he is safe and wonderful just because he tells you he reads the bible etc....
Lots of people have been caught out in these circumstances- be careful!

2007-12-31 06:54:32 · answer #8 · answered by Exodus 6 · 2 0

It is the silliness of man to think that a PERFECT being needs anything from us or that God has the human failings of fear, doom, vengeance, wrath, hate, spite, and judging. Perfect beings don't roll like that. Even Jesus on earth didn't roll like that. He didn't preach Christianity because it didn't exist then. Christians made it up after he left. Jesus taught a way of living and being and doing. That is all. They sure don't make Jews like Jesus anymore.

Religion is for people who are trying to keep from going to hell. Spirituality is for people who have already been there.

What counts is how we treat one another here on earth. God is going to be just fine. Always come from love and you'll never be lost. It's that unbelievably simple.

2007-12-31 06:51:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

first of all stand on your own, stop lying on someone..... have some individual thoughts.... be positive and daring dear....

2007-12-31 06:50:47 · answer #10 · answered by madhavi_2k2 2 · 1 0