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16 answers

I have a 42" plasma tv and a 32" LCD tv. The plasma one can be viewed from almost any angle, good for my very long narrow room. I agree the LCD has a better overall picture defintion (might be 'cause its a smaller screen), but it has a very narrow viewing angle. In other words if you're not sat in front of it the picture is hard to see. Same thing with the LCD computer monitor,and laptop screens, stand up or move to the side and look at it and you loose the picture. Both TVs are Panasonic HD TVs.

2008-01-01 10:53:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

LCD TVS are a better option. I have had one for over three years with no problems. Whatever you may think of the picture, consider the electricity bill. Look for the label on the back of each set and note the power consumption in watts. For instance if you check out one of those massive 62 inch plasma TVs you will find it's about 720w. Walk around the sets and run your hand along the top of each one and note the amount of heat coming out. All very well in the winter when it is contributing to the central heating, but do you want it in the middle of the summer? I understand that some of the major manufacturers have stopped manufacturing plasma TVs, so that might be a sign that they are on the way out anyway. Look for Which reports on the web etc. For me LCD is best on all counts. Good luck.

2008-01-02 04:03:37 · answer #2 · answered by JAP 1 · 0 0

LCD because of life expectancy and power consumption. Plasma has a better picture, but LCD is catching up fast.

2007-12-31 14:39:18 · answer #3 · answered by Andyp3001 3 · 0 1

Instead of reading peoples own personal opinions below you should just get the facts and make your own mind up.

Firstly it depends if you are going to be watching a lot of High def. or Standard def.

LCD and Plasma are equally god at ther own things. If you are going to watch a lot of standard definition then stay away from LCD at the moment as they simply cannot handle SD as well as an old CRT or a plasma. LCD cannot cope with motion or blacks as well as plasma. As for life span, do not listen to myths and rumours. Life span is almost identical in each. Also, to the Tech Guy above, lcd is not the better technology. Neither is better, they are just very different and do their respective things very well. If you want to be technical then plasma is the newer and better of the 2 technologies. Lcd as a technology has been around for years.

If you choose LCD then go for a newer 1080p screen. As for which makes are better then please dont be fooled by the hype of Sony and Samsung.....yes they are good, very good, but not necessarily the best. Samsungs are a great looking TV but are let down by their sound and motion handling. Sony do everything very well but nothing brilliant. Panasonic Viera are the best LCD to handle SD with JVC a close second.

However, youmight want to consider waiting alittle while as it is all new. Ultra HD is due to be announced early in 2008 followed by the announcement of new Laser HD TVs later in the year which are expected to be better than lcd and plasma. The Ultra HD will trump the new 1080p stuff. There is also expected to be a 10 to 15% price drop on lcds and plasma through 2008.

To be honest, now is not a good time to buy an HDTV. If you do then be very careful about what model you get.

A great site for reviews and other stuff is http://www.hdtvorg.co.uk/

2007-12-31 07:05:26 · answer #4 · answered by Monty 2 · 1 0

Wahay!! Good to see the idiots are out in force again!

Plasmas TVs do NOT contain oil - they contain gas.
Plasma TVs do NOT get hot. Even when mine has been on for 4 or 5 hours, it is barely warm to the touch (and still not as warm as an old style CRT television...).
Plasma screens last for about 60,000 hours. And so do LCD screens.

If you want to know the truth, rather than the mindless B.S. and if you want to know why 63% of the population actually prefer plasma, check out the website below:

2007-12-31 06:56:24 · answer #5 · answered by Nightworks 7 · 0 0

How many times has this been answered in the last day or two??

LCD is the better TECHNOLOGY!!


That's when you BUILD your OWN screen protector out of Lexan and Velcro Tape.....

'Nuff said --SEARCH for any more Details.

See that button up there? Push it and you can search....

2007-12-31 06:08:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

there are plams to make plasmsa screen ilegle due to the dangers to the enviroment and that they heat up super hot and have been known to burn people.

also plasmas run using two chips sets one for sound and one for visuals these can become unsynched making watching the tv like watching a foriegn dubbed movie all the time,

I Never looked into LCDs as I was trying to choose between a plasma and a rear projector.

I went with the rear projector but if I were to get a new TV I think LCD may be an option depending on the comparison with LED screen although I thought these were just for concert halls and clubs

2007-12-31 05:23:48 · answer #7 · answered by conan_troutman1975 3 · 0 2

To put it simply, they both have pretty amazing pictures but the plasmas although some good ones have a slightly better pic. than an lcd (liquid crystal display b.t.w.) that is similar, although they are so close in quality pics.,just look @ them closely & not @ a wal-mart or another place where the pic. is not set up & have a bunch of tv's hooked up to the same video feed with a bunch of signal loss. See if you can watch a hd satelite feed, it has a better Real HD picture & better sound than digital cable; or watch a dvd or play a video game on it to test it.play with the video settings & check the Black levels & how well it looks with the brightness turned way down, not up like most people think. One big thing also people consider is that a plasma charged tv is supposed to have a picture loss or go out in after I think 10-20+ yrs. & apparently the lcd's are supposed to last longer.

2007-12-31 05:19:51 · answer #8 · answered by Steve 2 · 1 1

LCD is better.
Plasma is good but the cells lose their gas over time so the telly will only last say three years.

2007-12-31 05:09:49 · answer #9 · answered by Icarus 6 · 0 2

Personally I would go for LCD - the life expectancy is longer than Plasma - go for High Def as Business says above.

I have had my LCD TV for about three years now and it has been brilliant - whereas, three of my friends have had Plasma and all have broken down within a year and need replacement - not repair - a total replacement.

They don't seem to have made great progress with Plasma over the last year or so.

Some will tell you different - but hey ho! Can only tell you what I know.

2007-12-31 05:08:16 · answer #10 · answered by jamand 7 · 0 1