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Is the Nurse Christine Chapel (previously engaged to the late Dr. Roger Korby) in love with Mr. Spock? And is he somewhat attracted to her? I think she would have been his first choice, if he were not betrothed to T'Pring. Or is this simply some sort of sympathy because he finally understands her affection? (I know the answer... but what do you guys think?)

2007-12-30 17:20:49 · 3 answers · asked by xena790 3 in Entertainment & Music Television Other - Television

I don't think we are really discussing "attraction" per se when Spock is not during his pon farr... And that does not happen often. I assume that during other times, he thinks it would be logical to mate with a certain female. But then again, just how human is he?

2008-01-01 13:15:43 · update #1

3 answers

Well Dr Korby was never around, hence her attraction to Spock, (she was keeping her options open)

As for Spock, ? He was betrothed to T'Pring from Childhood and had no real attraction for her, he liked if anyone that Blonde on that episode when The Plant Spores made spock feel emotion, Ohhh what is that episode ?
Ohh It was Leila Kalomi on the episode "This Side of Paradise") played by Actress "Jill Ireland. "

Also, there was another Non-Vulcan who Spock seemed attracted to, She was Droxine from Ardana
On the Episode The Cloud Minders He also became attracted to Droxine, the daughter of Plasus, the ruler of Ardana; he referred to her as a work of art and even discussed pon farr with her. However, nothing ever came out of the relationship.

2008-01-01 03:40:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If I remember right, Spock is sort of going nuts in this one. His hormones have over ruled his logic and he is ready for love. Nurse Chapel has always had a thing for him and just happens to be in the right place at the right time.

2007-12-30 18:05:53 · answer #2 · answered by katj1250 3 · 2 0

I haven't seen this episode in AGES but I think Spock is kind of attracted to Chapel but I don't think he's even willing to admit it to himself or acknowledge it in any way. And Yes I think Chapel TOTALLY likes Spock, who wouldn't?

2007-12-31 10:58:38 · answer #3 · answered by Vega 3 · 1 1