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Many decent Americans are trying to come up with ways to control the immigration problem, right? Someone please tell me why the hell a newborn child is granted citizenship when both parents are illegally in the United States? This is not only the most ridiculous way around the system, but it also gives them a REASON to pump out as many kids as they can, when they already reproduce at an astounding rate. Not only this, but it now becomes pretty much impossible to deport the partents, because they now have legal kids! Anyone else infuriated by this loop hole in the system!! And believe me, they know that this works for them, they are masters of milking our system for all they can get for free. And while were on the subject of free, they have no insurance, so you and I, Mr. and Mrs. American Taxpayers, are paying for all of their hospital bills and maternity expenses, as well as sending their kids to our schools for free, since again they pay no taxes. Go ahead Liberals, attack me.

2007-12-30 16:06:26 · 10 answers · asked by 80's kid 6 in Politics & Government Immigration

Wow Wooglet, you really know how to get under my skin. I wish you were hear so I can "explain" it to you. You're telling me that Yankees from the north are worse than illegal immigrants ruining our country, huh? I'd like to drag you by your hair across the border and show you first hand how receptive they are you us in their country. Maybe then you'd wake up. And thanks for the history lesson, but what you and many others don't seem to understand is that our country treated immigration much differently when it was founded you moron. You're bringing up laws that were put in effect when there WERE NO REAL AMERICANS yet, since we were a new country! Are you a complete fool, or just a little bit? Things have changed a bit, don't you think. Our country has been established, populated, and infrastrcutured, don't you think. Do we really need a huge number of immigrants to establish our country, like in the 18th & 19th century, or do you think we're passed that now?

2007-12-30 16:28:37 · update #1

Ok, it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't want illegals to come here and reproduce, just to get granted citizenship. What a lovely bunch of patriots we have in our country, huh? So I ask you this, why don't terrorists just jump the border and bang out a bunch of babies? This way here, their kids can be brought up into future terrorists, while the parents are safe and sound because they now have legal kids? And heres to all you Constitution Scholars out there: did you actually know that the constitution was made by people who actually knew the Constitution would need to be amended in the future? Hey, what an eye opener! Yes, they actually made it possible to change the Constitution through amendments! So here's my Amendment: Any illegal alien hereby producing offspring in the continental US will be permanently deported to their country of origin, along with their such offspring, at a reasonable time thereafter. illegal aliens should be deported, kids don't make them legal.

2007-12-30 18:22:01 · update #2

10 answers

That is a misnomer. Being born here, does not make you a citizen. ...However, generally, parents with children born here are rarely deported for that fact. Matter of fact, many illegals without children are not deported. It is a problem in our system, that I hope we correct soon. A baby does not know where it is born. And I can't feel bad for them when their parents were willing to commit crimes. I think the parents and their children should go.

2007-12-30 16:26:12 · answer #1 · answered by amber s 4 · 2 4

It's from Section 1 of the 14th Amendment:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

You would have to amend the Constitution in order to change that, and passing an amendment which states if you're born here, you're not a citizen, is unlikely to pass.

2007-12-30 16:51:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you want to have a serious conversation about this, fine. But I suggest you lose the confrontational attitude. Anyone born in the US is a citizen. It's been that way since a supreme court ruling in the 1890's, based on their interpretation of the 14th amendment. If you want to change it then contact your representative in Washington and press for legislation to do so. It may require a constitutional amendment. Keep in mind that it will take a while to do and it most likely won't be retroactive.

2007-12-30 16:39:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The US constitution says so. You would have to get a super majority of both houses and 75% of the states to ratify it to change it.

The United States did not limit immigration in 1868 when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified. Thus there were, by definition, no illegal immigrants and the issue of citizenship for children of those here in violation of the law was nonexistent. Granting of automatic citizenship to children born in this country is part of that amendment.

It is done that way in nearly every country. Children of US serviceman born in Germany are born German and US citzens for example.

If we amend the constitution, I want to amend it so that we can eliminate, or at least limit Yankees moving to Texas. They come here and ruin our culture. They do not like our large Hispanic population. My god did they think there were not any Mexicans in Texas. We were mostly Mexicans before Air Conditioning started allowing Yankees to live here year round in the fifties.

My ancestors were real Americans when the laws were put into effect. I know it is unbelievable, but I am a full blood Cherokee, whose ancestors were force marched to Oklahoma on the Trail of tears. But I am not a racist, and I am way over it.

You want to keep your Yankee culture. I was raised in Texas. Before the Yankees came here we never talked about races here. Everybody assumed I was white, and nobody cared. My scout masters were mostly Hispanic.. Well it was about half and half. If people like you keep coming here we will have to live with the hatred and crimes against humanity your bring.

I love the mixing of the cultures here that were here when I was born. I like that it was illegal to buy alcohol except in certain areas. I liked that the stores were closed on Sunday. Hispanics and Whites all went to the SAME churches. I liked the food, and the friendliness of the drivers, and the freindly neighbors. Snow birds are moving down here and then next thing you know Dallas will be like Dayton, and their will be nobody interesting or independent thinking here. If there were illegals here nobody knew and they never did any damage like the Yankees. You know as percentage in Texas the hispanic population is declining?

I am planning on retiring in Panama so we will not have to share this country long. Down there they say we are all Americans. They speak 11 different languages and while they are not too impressed with USA amercans they love us the same. They do not charge us special prices or try to rip us off. They are just wonderful people. They do not have Medical insurance down there, but a night in the hospital with IV drip, Cat Scans, EEGs, and drugs cost my mother 100 dollars so you can see why it is a bit of a shock when they go into a hospital here and find that they cannot afford to pay the bill with the money in thier pocket.

Got you 80s kid. I said all of that stuff about hating Yankees as a device to point out that every shift in population brings changes. I do not hate Yankes. Although I do have to admit after coming up with that stuff I cannot think of any bad effects of having Hispanics in Texas, and I can think of a few things that I wish did not change because of all of the immigration to Texas from other US states.

It would not take an amendment to change the immigration law to not favor granting citzenship to family members of citzens. You could even say if the parents were in the US illegally at the time of birth thing.

As far as the terrorists. Well the Berlin wall did not keep 5000 people from getting over it, so good luck on building that big fence. There were only 5 on each plane you know.

2007-12-30 16:09:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Why? Because the Republican Bush administration has done nothing to change his policy of allowing illegal aliens to invade out borders! He even condones it, by calling then "undocumented workers!" What a laugh! Did you you know they can even collect Social Security after time? Yet he wants to cut your social security so you have nothing after all the years you paid into it. He is so busy squandering billions overseas in Iraq, that there is no money to fix ANYTHING! Then he will slide out of office and leave the problems to the next president no doubt, and then blame them for all the problems...ahh yes..isn't that the conservative Republican way?....

2007-12-30 16:22:47 · answer #5 · answered by GasLight 4 · 0 3

From a legal perspective, the 14th amendment says that any person born in the US is a US citizen.

From a policy perspective, it is completely unfair to deport someone who was born and brought up in the US to some random country just because that's where their parents came from. They couldn't help where they were born, and they grew up in American culture, surrounded by Americans, speaking English, and probably have no ties to their homeland. So to yank them out and send them to some place they have no connection to doesn't make any sense.

2007-12-30 16:15:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Wooglet, this question is too blatantly rhetorical. He's not asking a question, he's flaunting his ignorance in a rant. He cites no facts, merely half-baked assumptions.

But he has a point about historical immigration. Mexico blundered by allowing empire-driven Anglos into Texas. The original Tejanos let some immigrants in who ended up taking half their country. But that's another issue.

2007-12-30 16:47:12 · answer #7 · answered by going_for_baroque 7 · 3 3

Well that sorta the rule all over the world and sadly the illegals found the loophole in that rule.
So unless we change the constitution and I really dont want to do that theres nothing we can do.

2007-12-30 16:18:32 · answer #8 · answered by Adeptus Astartes 5 · 1 4

I noticed from what you write the system is abused so badly that it will come to end of its own accord.We cannot take in the whole world

2007-12-30 16:18:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Look 80's kid- you have been commenting on lots of these immigration questions, its obvious you are a racist- we get it- you can stop now.

2007-12-30 16:21:22 · answer #10 · answered by Do I need a mint? 4 · 4 2