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I had an argument / heated discussion with my ex 2 weeks ago on the phone; we had not spoke for a good couple of months. Anyway he told me he was empty, didn't know what to say to me & that he was angry. He said can we both just get on with our lives and if i ever need ANYTHING from him he's there for me & let's talk in a couple of weeks & he's privileged to call me a friend etc etc. I'm desperate to make peace with him & have some closure & i really want us to be friends but since the phone call i've text emailed & called him like he said to do but theres been no response. Is he angry with me cause he's got feelings involved & that's why he's ignoring me or is it just because he does not like me & can't be bothered?

2007-12-30 14:01:00 · 3 answers · asked by wiluce0987 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Also he was the one who left me cause he went to work abroad for a while and he didn't want to get hurt again like his previous relationship....

2007-12-30 14:25:50 · update #1

When he said he was empty and did not know what to say to me i suggested we grab a coffee as friends and have closure, he said he felt trapped which infuriated me. He's acting like he does not care at all but why would he be angry if he didn't care? I'm dating a great guy now but still very upset that my ex is ignoring me as we were good friends once. Did he just say all the lets be friends bullshit to make himself feel better? Also why do men say they are empty and that they don't know what to say? Really don't understand you guys.

2007-12-30 16:00:13 · update #2

3 answers

Breaking up is always a hard thing to do. While most men try to put up a brave front, the truth is they also feel the pain and the hurt of losing someone that they love. All I can say is that these things need time to get over and it is not the same for evryone. Some of us can get over it very quickly and move on while others may mope and take a much longer time. Give him some time and space to breathe and to get himself back on his feet again - when he is ready, he will call you.

2007-12-30 14:15:46 · answer #1 · answered by Seng Kim T 5 · 0 0

Look at what Seng Kim T wrote, he made some very good points. Don't forget men can be emotional too and we do have a sensitive side but for some reason there are those that think men should be strong and be able to cope with whatever is thrown at us, but that is not always the case. All you can do is to give him time to gather his thoughts and then it is up to him...but do remember that you are in another relationship at the moment and that too may be hurting him. Hope things work out for you, good luck and a very happy new year to you.

2007-12-30 17:46:42 · answer #2 · answered by Dave W 1 · 0 0

Just cut him loose.

He still loves you, and would truly like to be your friend...


He can't bear the distance and coldness of being "just friends" with someone he cares so much about.

Unless you want him back, then you must stop calling him and emailing him and toying with his emotions.

2007-12-30 14:18:05 · answer #3 · answered by chocolahoma 7 · 0 0

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