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i'm applying for a job.. but i'm kind of confused on the job titles and what they entail.

what does a visual merchandiser do?
what does a stock or sales associate do?
whats the difference between a cashier and sales associate?


2007-12-30 12:39:06 · 15 answers · asked by girl 1 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment Other - Careers & Employment

15 answers

LOL work on your GED u will need it

2007-12-30 12:42:37 · answer #1 · answered by Bobby Gee 1 · 0 0

A visual merchandiser helps arrange the products in a way that best displays them to the customer in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and shows them off to their best advantage.

A stock associate will replace products as they are sold on the shelves. So as products run low, they will get more from the back and put them out.

A sales associate helps the public with their shopping and helps direct them to the right product and encourages their spending.

A cashier actually rings up the purchases, and deals with the money exchange. They are also responsible for making sure the cash register has the right amount of money in it at the end of the shift.

2007-12-30 12:44:30 · answer #2 · answered by klonnq 3 · 0 0

A merchandiser is usually someone who sets up displays or products on shelves. A stock or sales associate is the current label for clerk. Stock associates mark prices, unpack, sort and bring out stock. A Sales associate deals with customers. A Cashier is someone who runs a cash register. Depending on the business, some of these titles overlap.

Good luck!

Happy New Year!


2007-12-30 12:42:22 · answer #3 · answered by Jacob W 7 · 0 0

A visual merchandiser is someone who handles building displays using marketing tools and merchandise in the store. It could be a dedicated position that focuses on window displays and instore displays, or just a part of another position.

A stock associate is someone who's main focus is handling stocking the merchandise, possibly ordering merchandise as it sells out, facing and fronting the merchandise on shelves. Or making sure clothing is neatly hung and where it should be.

A sales associate typically does all of the above, plus focuses on selling the product available in the stores. They will usually handle the register, stocking merchandise, building and maintaining displays, maintain store cleanliness, or whatever else the store manager asks of them.

A cashier is usually focused solely on the register, but can have other parts to the job description included above. A good cashier will make sure her area is neat, stocked, and organized at all times. Typically, you see cashiers at a grocery store, where their primary focus is standing at a register.

2007-12-30 12:50:01 · answer #4 · answered by sarlha 3 · 0 0

Visual merchandisers display products in an appealing manner so that customers who may not have considered purchasing such an item decide, upon seeing it, that they would like to have it.

An example would be the beer displays in grocery stores, where castles are made of the boxes beer is packaged in. Another example would be dressing mannequins attractively in department stores, or arranging clothing in coordinating displays and hanging them on the end of display racks. Window dressers are visual merchandisers. Extreme visual merchandising and display examples are the Macy's New York department store windows for Christmas and Thanksgiving.

A stock person is responsible for receiving merchandise from the delivery trucks, arranging it in the stock or back room, and then placing it on the shelves or racks for sale.

Sales associates sell or market the merchandise to the customers. Depending upon the store, they may be the ones who wander around the departments asking if you are finding everything, or they may be people who are specialized shoppers for customers who call ahead and say they are coming for their spring wardrobe.

A sales associate may run a cash register, or they may just work in the department itself and refer you and your purchases to the person who runs the register. The cashier typically is just that. A person who handles physical sales of merchandise, receives cash, checks, credit cards and gift certificates in payment for items the customer is buying.

Hope this helps!

Good luck!

2007-12-30 12:46:46 · answer #5 · answered by purplesometimes 4 · 0 0

Visual Merchandiser= ????
Stock or Sales Associate= you would keep the shelves stocked and help people purchasing.
Cashier= you work the cash register
Sales Associate= you are out with the people promoting sales.
Hope this helps.

2007-12-30 12:42:30 · answer #6 · answered by ಌMemsterಌ 5 · 0 0

So it's retail. Good luck with that.

Visual merchandiser- I'm guessing it's a fancy term for "stock boy" or stock "person". means you put or replace merchandise on the shelves/displays.
Stock-same thing.
Sales associate- Floor clerk to ask and help customers.
Cashier- Have to stand at a register and ring up sales.

2007-12-30 12:44:08 · answer #7 · answered by WooleyBooley again 7 · 0 0

sales associate implies more duties than cashier - cashier is specific (on the tills).

visual merchandisers create displays. places like windows and things.

again like above, stock associate is a bit more of a specific term than sales associate. meaning you are responsible for/working with stock.

2007-12-30 12:43:44 · answer #8 · answered by thevoiceofreason_jan 1 · 0 0

The Unions will never admit to the Public that they demand 80% of the Budget here in NY State. They prefer to show children in their ads and blame the greedy taxpayers who pay the highest taxes in the nation. It's always how someone else can afford more for the children, and never any mention of 100K pensions that are worth $4 million to you. The Public doesn't understand the issue. Look at the Question asked by Huffington Post. Not one mention of how unions take dues and give them to Dems. Same people who howl whenever a Lobbyist pays a Republican and ends up with a contract. They are the exact same thing.

2016-05-28 03:47:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

visual merchandiser....u count product.
stock associate--u put things from the back room on the floor
sales associate--u walk around and ask people if they need help.
cashier-u stand behind a p.o.s. or cash register and ring people up...

2007-12-30 12:42:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

visual...makes the window look good for window shoppers.
stock...put items on the shelf both in back and up front.
sales associates..required to actually sell items, customer service and may ring up items.
cashier..ring up purchase ONLY

2007-12-30 12:42:38 · answer #11 · answered by travisepsmith 1 · 0 0