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I'm in a real mess, I have a BS degree in psychology and live in a large city, but can get no job that pays anything with a BS degree so I live paycheck to paycheck and have gotten in to a large debt with credit cards, over 22,000 $ and that isn't even school loans, I am 32 years old and single with no children, is there any way I can go back to school to get a degree to make a living with scholorships or free money, since I already have a degree, I got no help before due to living with my parents and the state considers their income since I was just out of highschool, I would like to go into nursing, I can't tell my parents of this debt, they have already sacraficed to send me to school in the 1st place and still have parent plus loans to pay, I make 20,000 a year now, I don't know where to turn, I know I need a job to pay for my expenses and this degree just doesn't pay anywhere I've checked, could someone please help me and tell me how to get out of this mess I've got myself in!!!

2007-12-30 09:17:31 · 3 answers · asked by sal326 1 in Education & Reference Financial Aid

3 answers

There are no government grants once an individual graduates with their bachelors degree. However, there are pleanty of scholarships out there for those wanting to attend nursing school. I recommend trying the local community college which is cheaper to attend compared to a 4 year college or university. In addition, your state may have scholarships for nursing students, and I recommend using Google.com or Yahoo.com to locate them. I will include some free resources below to find nursing scholarships. Good luck!

2007-12-30 10:55:01 · answer #1 · answered by dawncs 7 · 0 0

Usually, once you have a bachelors degree, you are out of luck with grants and most scholarships... but scholarships come from many many sources so you might have some luck there.

As far as federal assistance, you would be eligible for loans only.. if that... I'm really not sure if you could get a loan for a second bachelors degree, but it would prob depend on the school. I know for sure you could get loans to get your masters or PHD. Here is a good publication about federal student loans.

2007-12-30 17:29:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Join the coast guard! Look it up. Great experiences, you won't go to Iraq unless you want you, great benefits, plus you'll get the GI bill!

2007-12-30 17:26:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0