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Do you think ireland is as nice as its made out to be?What do you associate Ireland with..Have u ever been to Ireland?what did u think of it?did u like it!!!

2007-12-30 08:46:31 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Ireland Other - Ireland

30 answers

I live in Ireland and i wouldn't visit here if i was from somewhere else. It isn't a very exciting place! I live in West Cork and i really wish i lived somewhere else. The only thing keeping me here is my friends. And the social life isn't that bad! That is if you like drinking and going to the pub. What most people associate Ireland with is drinking and dancing. The drinking part is right but the dancind is wrong. You try to dance to traditional irish music and then you will see!

As one person said it is not at all diddly diddly father stuff at all. In fact i have had American relitives over and they thought a lot of things resembled where they live(New York state). Also the accents Americans think we have is very inaccurate. Yes we may and do have different accents but not like the ones that you see in the Simpsons or in Friends. You can the same food here as you can in most places in the world without much difference. And also hardly no one here eats Irish Stew and no one here drinks Irish Coffee. The most traditional food is cabbage and bacon which is very bland. Also everyone here is getting fat or starting to take drugs.

Don't believe the advertising you see for Ireland unless it says we drink a lot.
Oh, and the only holy people are old pensioners or farmers. Most people don't go to mass unless it is Christmas!
Hope you still want to visit though unless you are irish yourself!? Then you should know what i am talking about!

2007-12-31 05:44:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think Ireland would me a nice place to visit. I've never been their before. I think of Ireland as the music and the people that live their and the wonderful food. The weather I'm not sure of but I think it would be fun and and adventure.

2007-12-30 08:54:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ahhh...yes my favorite topic...I'd say even nicer then I remembered in 99' I, as you prob already know, visited this past Sept. I loved visiting friends (All over Eire).

I associate Ireland with vitality, growth, nature, Life 'The way you want to make it' is your option (opportunities for advancements). Mostly; I associate Ireland with good friends and a having a wonderful time, (The time of my life) visiting them. Trad music, and the heart of the people shining through even the dreariest days, I had brilliant weather some tell me I brought the nice weather w/me and my smiled warmed them as well.

I think the time I had in solitude traveling between counties, taking in all that Mother Nature wanted to share was a close tie to seeing my friends themselves.

2007-12-30 15:07:51 · answer #3 · answered by Chef April 3 · 2 0

Yes I would love to visit, I have friends there, part of my ancestry comes from there, I have never had a Guinness in the U.K. as i've been told it's better in Ireland, but I would go by boat next time, last time on my 1st attempted visit I fell ill at the airport and missed my trip to see U2 at Slane castle, huge disappointment :(

2007-12-30 09:01:51 · answer #4 · answered by simon ST150 3 · 1 0

I'd love to visit Ireland! Maybe some time in the future. =)

2007-12-30 08:56:11 · answer #5 · answered by Virginia 3 · 1 0

Hi, I went about 2 years ago to a village near athlone and had a good time, the shops and markets are lovely and the landscape is beautiful, there is a lot of history depending on which part and if you are interested in it and if you go in summer unlike me the beaches are lovely.
The food is good and the people friendly so it is worth a try.

2007-12-30 09:03:31 · answer #6 · answered by mel 3 · 1 0

I live in it and yeah the island is green and lush, the people are very friendly and handsome! I associate Ireland with home!!

2007-12-30 11:07:24 · answer #7 · answered by Ciara 6 · 1 0

i go every year, as i suppose i am luckly enough to have family living in both parts of Ireland, North and South, so if me its a fairly cheap hoilday, as all i need is my spending money, and the price of a flight (not with ryanair- dont like being treated like cattle, and to be ripped off)
i love Ireland, the Irish are so Friendly people, i have brought friends to ireland with me, and they in turn have took their own families to Ireland for Hoildays

2007-12-30 10:01:02 · answer #8 · answered by JOHN F 3 · 4 0

I went to Ireland this year, I loved it. It was so calm and peaceful. Its nice to get out of the rat race. days seemed to go by slower. It felt magical there.

2008-01-01 12:08:30 · answer #9 · answered by smelly 2 · 0 0

No, but I've always wanted to go to Ireland!
Dublin sounds like a good place!
I know lots of people who have been there and they loved it.

2007-12-30 08:52:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0