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I'm 15 years old, freshman in higschool, currently living in Florida. I will start saving up immediately. I have 3 more years left of high school then I plan on getting a scholarship to either Parsons or FIT. I hate it here. Especially because my dad is broke, and I can't stand my mom. I tried just talking to them about it and of course, they think it' a stupid idea. I get reactions for my dad like, "Which one of you're little friends put that idea in your head?" or "Why do you even want to move there?" and from my mom, "Hahaha...you won't have enough money to move there anyways. You won't survive." They basically laugh in my face. That just gives me all the more motivation to rub it in their faces 3 years from now. I can just image it!
Anyways, I plan on moving there alone, with my cat. I will have to drive there because my car won't drive itself! It's a ford explorer( my mom's old car... =/ ) so it'll probably fit all of my mounds of clothes, my mattress( If I can take it ) my she

2007-12-30 05:14:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Travel (General) Packing & Preparation

...my sheets, pillows, etc., my room decor, and whatever I can fit. I will have a full-time summer job every year, plus working at Publix for 6$ an hour on weekends, and probably babysitting or cleaning houses for some extra $$$...

2007-12-30 05:16:18 · update #1

I will already be searching for jobs online before I move like waitressing jobs or something.

What do you think? Does it sound like a steady plan?

2007-12-30 05:17:48 · update #2

Also, how much money do you think I'll need?

I calculated the money I'll be making, minus social security, gas, etc. ...it's somewhere around 7,000$. Is that enough?

2007-12-30 05:20:24 · update #3

5 answers

Good luck! NYC is expensive, so be prepared with as much money as you can save up. You can do it, though. It's not an impossible dream.

2007-12-30 05:21:56 · answer #1 · answered by That's not my name 7 · 1 0

I think it's admirable that you are thinking about your future like this and saving up the money for it. Just don't forget about your current education. Make sure you do as well as you can possibly do - earn the grades now, or it won't matter when you try to get into college! College will be unreachable!

I think you should be so very proud of yourself. I know that as a parent, it's difficult when our children are already talking about leaving the nest at age 15 - my kids are 11 and 12. However, I wouldn't be discouraging. I would offer to help with the savings account. I know you said your father is broke...he could help in other ways! Emotional support is a big contribution.

Good luck with all you want in life and all that you do. Keep telling yourself that you can do it! And you will.

$7000 is a good start, but that will quickly vanish once you're living on your own. So, the best plan is...save the money to get there, but be sure you have a job lined up once you get there to have a steady income.

2007-12-30 13:19:54 · answer #2 · answered by Beth 6 · 1 0

I'm a Florida girl myself..well I was. Now I'm in Michigan, bleggh. At least it's warm down there. And I'm just like you, I've been dreaming of moving to New York City for years! I think it sounds like a good idea. Just keep working while you're in college, save the money you have now, and then when you graduate from college and have a degree you can use that to get a better job and really start living well. Sounds like you really started planning stuff out. If things go how I want them to, I'll be at NYU in 2 1/2 years (I'm 15 too but I'm a sophomore). See you there!!

2007-12-31 01:25:19 · answer #3 · answered by RENThead 4 · 0 0

good luck.

2007-12-30 13:17:32 · answer #4 · answered by sarah b 2 · 0 0

good luck!!!!!!!!

2007-12-30 13:19:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0